Local Outdoor Education Programs 

& Naturalists

Noyo Center Logo

Noyo Marine Science Center 

The Noyo Center has been working in local classrooms and in the community of Fort Bragg to increase ocean and coastal literacy.  We believe in a hands-on, project-based approach to learning.  We are developing an innovative and inclusive education program that will target “K to grey,” celebrating the marine environment through art and science while conveying the challenges facing our coast. Providing unique and engaging educational opportunities for schools and the public will be at the core of all Noyo Center initiatives, strengthening the connection between research and education. 

Mendocino Woodlands Logo

Mendocino Woodlands Camp

Since 1976, Mendocino Woodlands Camp Association has offered both field trips and residential outdoor science school programs to schools and groups throughout Northern California. Friendly, qualified staff guide students in exploring and learning about wildlife and plant communities so that they may better understand and respect our natural world. Hands-on activities focus on group problem-solving at the challenge course and field investigations of the redwood forest, freshwater stream, estuary, and rocky shore tide pools. 

UC Research Center Logo

Hopland Research and Extension Center 

The Center has hosted workshops, field days, and tours on such topics as rangeland management, native oak restoration and management, grazing strategies, sheep and wool production, wine grape varieties best suited to the North Coast, and living with wildlife. Take a look at the calendar on our home page to see a list of upcoming events. 

tidepool photo

PEEC Pacific Environmental Education Center

MacKerricher State Park in Fort Bragg: The Pacific Environmental Education Center is a non-profit, standards-based, residential outdoor science school.  From our site students visit tide pools, beaches, a seal rookery, coastal prairies, a fresh water lake, and a whale skeleton.  Off-site, students explore unique sand dunes, and hike through redwood and pygmy forests on the wave-cut terraces of the Jug Handle Ecological Staircase Trail.

Point Cabrillo Lighthouse

The award-winning education program at Point Cabrillo has been refined over the past 20 years. Each spring our dynamic and experienced instructors bring local school classes 1st through 5th grade to increase awareness and appreciation of marine life, coastal ecosystems and local history. Through fun, hands-on activities and games aim to introduce the ideas of conservation and accountability by looking at the human history and ongoing preservation work.

Sonoma Environmental Education Collaborative

This includes a page with the local Outdoor Education Opportunities in Sonoma and many are close enough to be accessible by our inland Mendocino Schools. 

We inspire, connect, and engage Latino communities in the outdoors and embrace cultura y familia as part of the outdoor narrative, ensuring our history, heritage, and leadership are valued and represented. 

Latino Outdoors is a community first and an organization second. We are a community that strives for an outdoors that is safe and welcoming for all people, regardless of race, creed, nationality, language, gender, sexual orientation, or ability. We are a community that celebrates diverse forms of outdoor engagement. We are a community that believes meaningful outdoor experiences make us stronger, healthier, and happier.

Latino Outdoors provides for a focused conversation on the Latinx experience without being limited to it. Our community's voices are varied while remaining united in celebrating diversity and declaring it a core tenet of Latino Outdoors.

Join Latino Outdoors Outings HERE

The League partners with schools, educational organizations, and parks to provide innovative education and interpretation programs that encourage all youth to experience the redwoods in ways that are personally relevant and inspiring .

Our Education Program’s goals are to:

The Water and Energy Education Program at Sonoma Water helps students and educators learn about the vital role of water and energy in our communities. Our programs are free, hands-on, and aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. Our goal is for students to become environmental stewards and informed citizens who examine the world through an inquisitive, scientific lens. We provide classroom visits, field trips, contests, grants, teacher workshops, and school supplies.  

Angelo Coast Range Reserve 

Today, the Angelo Coast Range Reserve harbors the state’s largest remaining old-growth Douglas-fir forest, providing habitat for spotted owls, gray foxes and black bears. River otters play along the banks of the Eel River, which runs through the property, and salmon and steelhead spawn in its streams. The research facility can host day trips and overnights for school groups for minimal cost.

Mendocino Parks

An important part of the Mendocino Area Parks Association's mission is to fund educational programs in our local State Parks. Naturalist/ interpreters, and experienced docents provide various programs to a wide spectrum of ages. 

Redwood Valley Outdoor Education Project

MCRCD works with communities to voluntarily conserve, protect, and restore natural resources in a landscape that supports agriculture, timberland, wild lands, and urban areas. We provide technical assistance, educational programs, monitoring and assessment services. MCRCD uses a watershed approach in addressing natural resource issues. The District also works closely with industry associations, community groups, businesses, schools, and the general public.