Counselor's Corner

Burks School Counselor

Hi Everyone!:) 

I am Katie Wallace, the Burks Elementary School Counselor! In my Counselor's Corner, you will be able to find resources for parents, information about guidance lessons that we are working on each month, events that are coming up at Burks, and lots of other exciting things things that are happening at Burks!

Character Education

Throughout the school year, students will discuss and learn about these character traits: Respect, Responsibility, Citizenship, Caring, Fairness, and Trustworthiness. At Burks Elementary we strive to help the students become an individual with great character. Character is something that is inward and a part of who they will grow up to be! The students will also learn about Integrity, Stress/Anxiety Management, Positive Relationships, and Personal Safety.



McKinney ISD has implemented a kindness initiative called “MISD Lives Kind!” What is Kindness? Kindness is an expression of acceptance and appreciation that inspires positive action. Kindness is possible when individuals possess the following key skills: Collaboration, Active Listening, Self-Regulation & Coping Skills, Empathy, and Speaking with Positive Intention. Students will learn from their teachers and the counselor about what it means to be kind through different “CASES” lessons each month. “Live Kind” will be a theme and common language inside and outside of Burks Elementary! Students, staff and parents will have opportunities to join in on the “Live Kind” movement whether it is doing random acts of kindness, donating materials or time for others, and being a part of a club or group that plans “Burks Lives Kind” projects. Parents and teachers will be able to send pictures to their homeroom teacher or Mrs. Wallace to put their child’s pictures on the “Burks Lives Kind Shout Out” slide at Good Morning Burks (GMB), our monthly pep rally. Dr. Rick McDaniel, our Superintendent will be looking for students that stand out as MISD Lives Kind Student Champions at the end of the school year. If your child is going over and beyond with being involved with kindness at Burks, the teachers can nominate them to be recognized as a student champion.

How to reach the counselor?

I look forward to supporting you and your child in having a successful school year! Please don’t hesitate to call me or email me with any questions or concerns regarding your child’s social, emotional or academic progress. 

Please contact me if you need help with:

I look forward to hearing from you!:)

Katie Wallace 

School Counselor

Office #: 469-302-6234

Our Burks Counseling Department is a CREST Awarded Program 3 years in a row! 

"Counselors Reinforcing Excellence in Texas"