Created by our Educators

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Starter Sample: "Coal" | Mr. Waddington

Class on Meter: "To the Virgins" | Mr. Waddington

Distance Learning Hero Cycle

Remote Learning Hero Cycle Project | English I | Mrs. Westfall

Melting Pot? - Google Slides.webm

Metaphors for American Diversity: Melting Pot? | English II | Ms. Fallon

American Anthem Project

American Anthem Project | English II | Ms. Fallon

Intro to Walden - Google Slides.webm

Introduction to Walden | English II | Ms. Fallon

Independent Package for Distance Learning

Independent Enrichment Work | English III | Mr. Waddington

Austen’s Grammar.pptx

Write Like Austen-Senior Exit Letters | English IV | Mrs. Westfall

P&P Letter Excerpts.pdf

Write Like Austen-Senior Exit Letters - Student Excerpts | English IV |Ms. Westfall



Exponential Growth and Decay Applications

Exponential Growth and Decay Applications with video | Dr. Wright


1080p 2 (1).MOV

Student: Katherine Y. ’23

Physics Experiment at Home | Ms. Derham | Physics I

Please complete one (or more!) of these brief at-home experiments.

Video yourself completing the experiment. These won't take long!

World Languages


Folded Paper Book Art

Folded Paper Art | Ms. Andrews

Self Portrait Lesson

Self Portraits | Ms. Wiseman

Realism Lesson Plan

Realism | Ms. Wiseman

Surrealism Lesson Plan

Surrealism | Ms. Wiseman

Process Drawing Lesson Plan

Process Drawing | Ms. Wiseman

Artist Statement Lesson Plan

Artist Statement | Ms. Wiseman

Drawings and Paintings by Students | Art III | Ms. Wiseman


Animations by Students | Art III | Ms. Wiseman

9th grade self-portraits.pdf

Self Portraits by Students | Art I | Ms. Wiseman

Music & Drama

Physical Education