Solo & Ensemble Music Performance Adjudication

TBD, February, 2024

Participating students will prepare music alone or in a small group to be judged in performance at Cane Creek Middle School in Fletcher, NC.  This is a field trip and transportation will be provided by Activity Bus.  Students will leave from school, returning late the evening of the event.  Check the WNC Bandmasters website for details.  [The first event listed in this section of the website is for MPA, so be sure to scroll down to SEMPA.]

[Copied and Pasted from the NC Bandmasters website]

Solo & Ensemble MPA 


A. Band directors having participants in the Solo and Ensemble MPA must be current members of NCMEA and their own district. 

B. Students must be regularly enrolled in a scheduled band class, which receives one unit of credit, and attend school within the district boundaries of which the director is a member. 

C. Participating ensembles must be from a single administrative unit. 

D. The band director that appears on the class roster at a school as the teacher must be a member of NCMEA and register all students to participate in all state-sanctioned events. 


A. Registration forms must be completed and mailed to the Solo & Ensemble Chair, with the appropriate fees, by the stated deadline - i.e. 30 days prior to the event. 

B. No soloist or ensemble may perform at more than one solo & ensemble MPA in a given year. 


It is the responsibility of the teacher to see that the following regulations are enforced: A. Schools are not limited in the number of participants entering a particular event.

B. No student may enter in both middle and high school levels. 

C. No group or individual may enter for criticism only. Each participant or group will be assigned a rating of Superior, Excellent, Average, Below Average, or Poor. 


Soloists and ensembles may select any composition and perform on recognized band instruments, including percussion. They must provide their own accompanist if needed. Recorded or computer-generated accompaniments may be used but each entrant must provide his/her own playback equipment. Use of music is permitted. There is no required list of repertoire. Each entrant must furnish a score for the judge and all cuts must be indicated and the measures numbered. Accompaniments are strongly encouraged but not required. 

5. TIME: 

Each performance should be limited to six minutes. 

6. FEES: 

A. Registration fees: Each District will determine the fees for their Solo and Ensemble MPA. B. There will be no refund of fees paid.