
Planning for, applying to, and paying for college can be challenging. Here you will find information to help you with the process!

Request Appointment with your school counselor.

College 411

Overview of College Options- A brief slideshow of college basics.

NC University System Transfer Guide- Tips for starting at a NC Community College with the goal of transferring within the NC University System.

Articulation Agreement- Info on transfer of credits from NC Community College to a NC University.

College Transfer tips- Students who wish to attend a 2 year college and transfer to a 4 year college or university.

College Planning- A PBS resource including videos and students personal experience.

More College Information - University HQ offers a wide variety of information.

Tuition Reduction Programs

Local Lion Promise- Tuition reduction at Mars Hill University for students who live in local counties, including McDowell.

NC Promise -Tuition reduction at 3 UNC system institutions.

ETSU Tuition Advantage -Tuition reduction at East Tennessee State for students who live in states that border TN.


FAFSA- The Free Application for Federal Student Aid will show you the grants and loans that you qualify for. The information will be shared with the colleges and universities you choose. Opens October 1 each year.

What to Expect Filling out the FAFSA- Helpful page that includes the information you will need to complete the FAFSA



CFNC- College Foundation of North Carolina-Plan for, apply to, and pay for college.



RDS- Residency Determination Service. Process must be completed to determine North Carolina Residency for tuition purposes.

Common Application

Common App- College Application hub that many NC colleges use.

What is Common App_.pdf
How the First Year Common App Works.pdf