Epsilon Beta Constitution
(An organization of Student Library Advocates)
Article I Name
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be Epsicopoi Tes Bibliothekes. It
stands for "Keepers of the Library." The organization shall be known
by the Greek initials Epsilon Beta.
Article II
Purpose and Objectives
Section 1. The purpose of this organization is to provide exemplary
Literary and service opportunities in the local school library.
A. Develop communication, cooperation, and exchange of ideas
among existing chapters.
B. Unify major objectives, activities, and programs.
C. Aid in the organization.
D. Provide opportunities for leadership training.
E. Provide the ideals, history, ethics, and programs of libraries.
F. Provide experiences where students can explore literary interests.
G. Establish and meet local, state, and national goals for school
library service.
Article III
Section I. Membership in this organization shall be open to all clubs who pay dues
to the state organization.
Section II. Sponsors of the local clubs and librarians who wish to affiliate
membership must pay state dues but have no voting powers, and shall
not be able to hold any office.
Section III. Local clubs who are considering affiliation with the State organization
shall be permitted to attend their first convention without having
paid state dues for that year, However, they must pay the
registration fees for that convention,
Section IV. Membership is open to grades 6-12.. Only 8-12th grade students may
attend the state convention.
Article IV
Section 1. The officers of Epsilon Beta Library Club shall be president,
vice-president, secretary, and communications director. They must
have the approval of their library sponsor.
In case of resignation that student's school shall be responsible for
filling the office until the next convention.
Section II. The Liaison will be a member of the MASL Board of Directors.
The purpose of the Director shall be to coordinate the activities of the organization.
Section III. The executive board shall consist of the liaison, the committee
members and the student officers.This board shall meet twice a year, once after the convention for the change over of officers, once to plan the spring convention and whenever necessary.
Article V
Duties of State Officers
Section I. The president of Epsilon Beta:
...shall attend and preside at the meetings of the association and of
the Executive Board.
... shall be ex-officio member of all committees of the association. ...shall appoint, with the help of the Executive Board, members of all committees.
...shall cast a deciding vote in case of a tie
...shall represent Epsilon Beta on public occasions.
... shall be responsible for turning over the records of office to his or
her successor at the end of his term of office.
...shall call any necessary meeting of the Executive Board.
Section II. The vice-president of Epsilon Beta:
... shall attend all meetings of the association and executive board.
...shall assume full duty and responsibility in case of absence or
resignation of the president.
...shall generally assist the president in his executive duties,
....shall automatically become president of the organization at the end
of his term as Vice-president.
Section III. The secretary of Epsilon Beta:
... shall attend all meetings of the association and the executive board. ...shall conduct the correspondence of the association and the executive board.
...shall keep a file of all correspondence.
...shall take minutes of business meetings at membership meetings of
the association.
...shall read minutes of business meetings at membership meetings of
the association.
... shall duplicate and send the minutes of meetings to all executive
board members.
...shall secure a mailing list of all Missouri High Schools and Junior
High Schools eligible for membership
...shall write letters of appreciation as necessary.
... shall be responsible for roll call at meetings of the association and
shall give ballots to each voting delegate present,
...shall be responsible for turning over the records of the office to
this or her successor at the end of his term of office.
Section V. The Communications Director of Epsilon Beta:
...shall attend all meetings of the association..
...shall keep an accurate record of all club activities.
...shall add the history of the organization for the year to the copy received and turn this over to his successor at the end of his or her term of office.
... shall be responsible for turning over the records of office.
...shall attend all meetings of the association and the executive
...shall report publicity news to media outlets.
,,.shall, with the help of his local club, put out a newsletter called "Epsilon Beta Newsletter."
...shall be responsible for turning over records of office to his or her successor at the end of his term of office.
Article VI
Section I. The election of officers shall be held at the spring convention.
Section II., Any member deciding to hold an office, should come to the convention
prepared to campaign for that office, (paper buttons, signs, posters,
Section III. No school may hold the same office two years in succession.
Section IV. Each chapter presented at convention shall be allowed two voting
delegates selected by the local chapter,
Article VII
Section I. A state convention shall be held in the spring of each year,
Article VIII
Section 1. There will be a state newsletter about local clubs to be published
after fall and winter executive meetings and spring conventions.
Section II. Each local club will elect or appoint a member to be in charge of
writing and sending materials about their club to the state reporter.
Article IX
Section 1. Dues shall be paid for each member of the local Epsilon Beta.[1] The
amount shall be voted on at the spring convention on recommendation of the executive council.
Section II. Dues shall be paid within the current school year.
Section III. No one may run for office unless his club's dues are paid before
spring convention.
Article X
Section I. The emblem of Epsilon Beta Library Club shall be a green outline of
the State of Missouri upon a yellow circular background which has a
green border. Inside the state outline shall be the green outline of an
open book with a torch. The letters E. B. shall be on the book in green
print. Above the state outline and curved at the top of the circular
background shall be the words " Epsilon Beta" in green print, below
the state outline and curved at the bottom of the circular background
shall be in green print the words "Keepers of the Library."
Article XI
Section 1. The colors for Epsilon Beta Library Club shall be yellow and green.
Section II. Yellow shall represent loyalty and honor, and green shall represent
youth and hope.
Article XII
Order of Business
Section I. The president shall call the meeting to order. Roll call will be read by
the secretary. Guest speakers or the program will follow the roll call.
After the program the secretary shall read the minutes of the last
meeting, the treasurer shall give the report, the committee reports
will be given, the introduction of the new clubs shall take place, Old
business will be discussed and the meeting will be adjourned.
Article XIII
Section 1. State Epsilon Beta shall provide a scholarship in the amount of $150.00 toward continuing education at a two or four year college or trade school to one or two seniors who are members of Epsilon Beta.
Section II. The recipient(s) of the scholarship must be a continuous State
Epsilon Beta Library Club member for 2 years.
Section III. Those seniors who wish to receive the scholarship must fill out an
application prior to the State Convention. Completed applications must
be sent to the State President and his/her sponsor prior to April ist
of that school year.
Section IV. The recipient(s) shall be chosen by a neutral party. The neutral party
shall be selected by the State President and President's sponsor. The
neutral party shall choose the recipient by application results and a
short interview at the State Convention.
Section V. The chosen recipient(s) must attend the State Epsilon Beta Library
Club Convention in the year the scholarship is awarded.
Section VI. The recipient(s) shall be announced at the State Convention.
Section VII. The student(s) receiving the scholarship must send proof of
enrollment during the 1st semester of his/her first term and a
check for the scholarship shall be awarded in the fall of the year
when proof is received by the State Treasurer.
Revised June 2021.
We should take a look at this as well. Conferences have been held in the past for very little money, which is great, but also becoming more difficult. Right now dues are $3.00 each for the state organization. The money from dues goes to pay for scholarships and club expenses that cannot be covered by the fees for conference. We always try to get a reasonable hotel and try to get four people in each room to cut the cost. We have even had students share from other schools in the past. We have then usually charged $30 - $35 each for the cost of the conference, which is a real bargain. For that they get a party, dinner the first night, and lunch the second, medals, plaques or trophies for contest winners and any charge for rental or janitorial costs of the building we are using. It is also used to pay for whatever educational trip we take (Tour of The Mark Twain cave, etc admission). It is getting difficult to do it for that price, so this is something we can talk about later, but we should think about.