District Leadership focuses on essential actions of understanding goals, responsibilities, and accountability for all, including but not limited to return to instruction and federal ESSER funding. 

2020-24~ As we continue the plan for addressing the learning gap and dealing with the repercussions of Covid-19, we will continue with in-person learning.  Mill Creek will continue to follow the guidance accordingly offered by federal, state and local health departments.  

ESSER Funding Mandate Notes:

2022-24- MCCSC will continue to communicate and receive guidance with various health departments(e.g. IDOH, HRH, Health Director), and follow protocols accordingly as they arise. A bi-weekly COVID dashboard will be available in our parent newsletter if pandemic conditions arise. 

2021-22 ~Just as we did for the prior school year,  we will continue to address learning loss by providing additional student supports and interventions. For health matters, we will continue with in-person learning. Mill Creek will continue to follow the guidance offered by federal, state and local health departments.  Students and staff will NOT be required  to wear masks, but may if they so choose, as a part if DOH guidance. Based on guidance from health officials, MCCSC will continue follow and contract trace and quarantine for individuals identified as having been in close contact. Students identified as close contacts may be exempted from quarantine if proof of vaccination is shared with corporation nurse. A bi-weekly COVID dashboard is available in our parent newsletter.  Further details are available in this detailed Return to Instruction plan.

2020-21~ As we continue the plan for addressing the learning gap and dealing with the repercussions of Covid-19, we will continue with in-person learning. Mill Creek will continue to follow the guidance offered by federal, state and local health departments.  Students and staff will be required  to wear masks as a part if DOH guidance. Based on guidance from health officials, MCCSC will continue follow and contract trace and quarantine for individuals identified as having been in close contact. Students identified as close contacts may be exempted from quarantine if proof of vaccination is shared with corporation nurse. A bi-weekly COVID dashboard is available in our parent newsletter.   Further details are available in this detailed Return to Instruction plan.