
Each student in grades K-12 will receive a Chromebook.

An individual Chromebook will follow the student throughout multiple years at Mill Creek Community School Corporation, with upgrades occurring as necessary. It is our hope that keeping the same device helps your student feel a sense of ownership for the device and desire to take care of it.   

Student devices will be distributed to all registered and enrolled students in grades K-12 typically a couple days before school starts. (This may occur later for some students due to absences and/or late online registration.) Student devices will be collected no later than the last student day at the end of the school year.  All devices must be returned by the last student day of the school year or the student may be charged replacement costs of the device.

Students must have completed online registration and paid their One2One deposit to receive their device. 

Students withdrawing from Mill Creek Schools must return their device and all school issued accessories before withdrawal is complete. Failure to return these items in a timely fashion may result in legal action.