Damaged Devices & Service
We know that accidents happen and damages will occur. The One2One Risk Solutions registration and Damage Waiver have provided the community with an affordable option to ensure these damages can be repaired at an extremely reduced price. This waiver does, however, only cover damages caused by accident and not intentional damages. Intentional damages will be charged in full to a student's account.
It is incredibly important that all fixes and repairs go through the Mill Creek Technology Team as per the Policies & Procedure documentation you signed. If a device is identified as having been repaired by an outside vendor, you may be held responsible for restoring the device to original specifications up to the cost of the device ($400).
What to do if you notice damage or loss of functionality:
High School
Student should bring the device and carrying case to the Technology Office as soon as possible to be assessed by the tech team. Many repairs can happen within minutes and no claim needed; however this is only possible if the device comes in as soon as the damage happens. If a student waits, the chances that the repair is more extensive rises.
If a quick repair can happen, the student will wait for their device while the repair takes place (2-3 minutes) and then return to class.
If a quick repair cannot happen, the student will be referred to the main office to talk with an administrator about how the damage occurred and assess if disciplinary action needs to be taken. Administration will inform parents of the situation and send a notification that a One2One Claim needs to be submitted
The device cannot begin to be worked on or repaired until a claim has been submitted.
The student will have access to a loaner device.
Middle School
Student should take the device to the media center as soon as possible and the tech team will be contacted for evaluation of the device. It is possible that a "quick fix" can happen without further paperwork or filing of a claim; however this is only possible if the device is taken to the office as soon as the damage happens. If a student waits, the chances that the repair is more extensive rises.
If a quick repair can happen, the device will be repaired and returned to the student.
If a quick repair cannot happen, the student will be referred to the main office to talk with an administrator about how the damage occurred and assess if disciplinary action needs to be taken. Administration will inform parents of the situation and send notification that a notification that a One2One Claim needs to be submitted
The device cannot begin to be worked on or repaired until a claim has been submitted.
The student will have access to a loaner device.
Elementary School
Students will report all damages and possible repairs needed to their classroom teacher. The teacher will submit a work order for device repair.
The Tech Team will get to the device as soon as possible to evaluate the situation as either a "quick fix" or "claim needed."
QUICK FIX | This indicates that the device will be fixed without charge or claim needed. The device will be returned to the student's classroom and any loaner device will be returned at that point.
CLAIM NEEDED | This indicates that the device needs more extensive work and a One2One Claim will need to be filed before work can commence on the device. The student will be sent to talk to the principal about how the damage occurred and disciplinary actions may be taken. The principal will inform parents of the situation and send a notification that a One2One Claim needs to be submitted
The device cannot begin to be worked on or repaired until a claim has been submitted.
The student will have access to a loaner device.
Please review the policies and procedures for loaner devices. If damage occurs to a loaner device while in your student's possession, you are responsible for claims and repairs on that device as well. If a pattern of damages begin to emerge for a student, alternative options to the school issued device will be considered.