Study and Life Skills

Things to Learn Before Graduation

Be a Lifelong Learner – Learn and grow in everything you can because there is no free ride in life. 

Work Hard – Embrace the grind, dig deep, and work hard at giving your best.  In fact, doing your best is the only option, even if it ends in failure.

Pain and struggle are constant in our time on earth.  Pain is not our enemy – it shows us where we need to grow. Push through pain and discomfort.  

Learn how to live sore – learn how to live uncomfortable – learn how to make sacrifices.  You have to do the hard things to get where you need to go.

Develop grit, which includes: Drive – Persistence – Endurance – Heart – Character – Fight

You ALWAYS have a choice – You cannot control what happens to you in life, but you have complete control over how you respond to it.

Don’t be afraid to take risks – Do the hard things in life and invest in things that have value.  

If you want to succeed, you have to be willing to try something and fail. 

Fight for those who can’t fight for themselves – Take care of people – Be a protector of others

In order to get respect, you have to give respect first. 

Don’t just aspire to make a living, aspire to make a difference while you pursue your dreams.

Patience vs. Speed – Almost everything meaningful in life takes a lot of time and effort.

Everyone that is successful has put in long hours and long miles in order to succeed – You have to respect the process

Live life in such a way that if someone speaks badly of you, nobody will believe them.