Science Lab

Mission Statement

Where can you hold geckos and hermit crabs, or watch a tarantula move? The Grand View Science Lab! The science specialists, Susan Holton and Connie Liu, make engaging hands-on experiences happen such as creating electrical circuits, dissecting owl pellets, or designing, building and testing a levee model to hold back a flood. The students look forward to coming to the lab to experiment and sharpen their skills as scientists. In addition to flexing their science skills, they also learn how to work in groups, thus practicing the lifelong skill of working in cooperative groups . Best of all, students get excited about science!

How can you help?

Please donate to MBEF. Your support of MBEF makes science lab possible. Connie Liu and Susan Holton feel honored to teach as Science Specialists in a district whose parents champion innovative, hands-on education. Your donation to MBEF gets young minds excited about science. The opportunity for elementary school students to have regular hands-on experiences in a designated Science Lab is unique to MBUSD.

About the science specialists:

Susan Holton

* with MBUSD since 2010

* on campus Tuesdays and Wednesdays

* teaches grades TK, K, 1, 2, & 4

* email:

Connie Liu

* with MBUSD since 2010

* on campus Mondays and alternating Thursdays

* teaches grades 3 & 5

* email:

Let these photos tell the story of what happens in science lab…