COVID Positive Students

We are so sorry to hear that your child is COVID positive. We hope this page will expedite getting you the information you need to know now. Thank you for following the steps below!

Fill out This Google Form

  • Please stay home until further notice.

  • Notify anyone in your social circle that may be considered a close contact.

There is currently an increase of cases. Someone from the team will follow up as soon as possible.

Date to Return

When a student tests positive for COVID, DAY ZERO is when the student first exhibited symptoms, OR, if asymptomatic, when the student tested positive, whichever came first.

From there, we count 5 additional days. If, on the 5th day:

  • Symptoms are improving AND the student is fever free without the aide of fever reducer for 24 hours

  • OR the child never developed symptoms

The child may take a COVID-19 test. We accept all FDA-approved home tests, all lab verified rapid antigen tests, or all PCR tests for this purpose.

If the child tests negative on day 5, he/she may return to school on day 6*.

*Please see the terms for returning after being positive in the MODIFIED QUARANTINE section below.

Modified Quarantine

Positive students who test negative, on or after day five, but before the full 10 day isolation period, may return to school. For the remainder of their 10-day isolation period, they must:

  1. Wear an upgraded mask:

    • Double Mask (surgical + cloth)

    • KN95

    • OR N95

  2. Space out 6ft while eating & drinking.

Make a Testing Appointment

Testing is available for Symptomatic or Positive Students through BCHD:

Beach Cities Health District (Register here)

Open Monday through Friday from 2:00 - 5:00pm

514 North Prospect Ave., Redondo Beach

Located in the former Child Development Center.


*If applicable

We also accept all FDA-approved home tests, all lab verified rapid antigen tests, or all PCR tests for this purpose.

Important: Students with COVID/symptoms, MAY NOT participate in our weekly MMC testing at Grand View.

Notify the Teacher

  1. Kindly, send your child's teacher an email letting them know your child tested positive for COVID-19 along with any pertinent details.

  2. You may request any work if/when the child is feeling up to it.

      • Please allow time for the teacher to gather the work.

      • Please designate someone to pick up the work if there are multiple positive cases in the home.

Submit Test Results

At-Home Test Submission

Rapid & PCR Test Submission

Vaccination Submission

Please submit your negative test results on the appropriate dates.

Previously positive students are considered to hold the antibodies. If they later become a close contact, they would be considered vaccinated for 3 months. To take advantage of this, please submit your child's positive test result here to be kept on file in the health office.

We wish your child a speedy recovery!