The following page provides some tips and tricks for using your Chromebook.

Chromebooks can be used to support student learning online and offline

Security at MBHS is extremely important, to see the expectation for data please see this slide.

Explore App

The best place to get started on your Chromebook is by using the Explore app.

Find it by clicking the Everything Button (magnifying glass key) and typing explore.

Settings menu

To find most settings quickly, click on the clock.

Here you can find different toggles as well as the ability to Cast to a screen.

On the Shelf at the bottom of your screen are the stylus tools available to use with your provided pen.

Whilst your device is locked you can use your pen to write notes which are stored in Google Keep (this location can be changed in stylus settings)

Installing web apps

Many applications you use will have the option to install the web app. When this is available it can be identified by a + symbol in the Omnibox at the top of your browser

Creating web apps

You can create an app shortcut for any website (eg Daymap).

  • Click on the three dots in the top right of your browser to bring up the settings menu

  • Click on More tools and then Create shortcut

  • Tick the Open as window box before confirming

Accessibility Tools

Accessibility tools are built into your device and can be found on the Shelf at the bottom of your screen.

Google have produced a set of videos explaining these tools.