"All students, in light of their humanity--their personal experiences, backgrounds, histories, languages, and physical and emotional well-being--must have the opportunity and support to learn rich mathematics that fosters meaning making, empowers decision making, and critiques, challenges, and transforms inequities and injustices."

(Aguirre, Mayfield-Ingram, & Martin, 2013, p. 9)


MATH 106: Exploring and Understanding Patterns, Functions, and Modeling for Elementary Teachers

Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona (Fall 2018)This course explores algebraic thinking from early childhood through middle school, with a focus on the different conceptions of algebra, including generalized arithmetic; patterns and functions; and modeling. We will examine the different topics in K-8 algebra from an advanced perspective.

HNRS 395A: [Special Topics] Borderlands Epistemologies: Exploring Identity and Power in Educational Contexts

The Honors College, University of Arizona (Spring 2018)This seminar engaged epistemological, philosophical, and ethical questions about education in the United States. Drawing from a range of texts (academic, literature, digital media, performance), we explored the complex politics of knowledge production as connected to identity and power in educational contexts. Discussions centered on (re)examining our own (and others’) autoethnographic narratives to make the familiar strange and the strange familiar.

MATH 302A: Understanding Elementary Mathematics (A)

Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona (Fall 2017, Spring 2018)The main topics discussed in this course are: problem solving; numeration; whole number arithmetic and meanings of operations; meaning of fractions and fraction arithmetic; decimals and percents; ratio and proportional reasoning; divisors and multiples.

TE 855: Teaching School Mathematics

Department of Teacher Education, Michigan State University (Summer 2016)This graduate-level online course explores intersections between mathematics content, identity, and power in mathematics teaching and learning across grades K-12.

TE 501/502: Internship in Teaching

Department of Teacher Education, Michigan State University (2015-2016)Field instructor for secondary mathematics interns during their student teaching placements.*Coordinated weekly PLC meetings to focus on aspects of professional teaching practice*Facilitated professional development activities, such as assessing students' written mathematical work with a lens of teacher noticing and video analysis of teaching practice

MTH 201: Elementary Mathematics for Teachers I

Department of Mathematics, Michigan State University (Fall 2013, Fall 2014)This undergraduate course focuses on elementary mathematics content related to number and operations.


After-school Mathematics Club Co-Organizer

Roskruge Bilingual Magnet K-8 School, Tucson, AZ*Co-organized afterschool mathematics club (two days per week) for 30 students in grades 6-8*Mentored undergraduate facilitators with co-planning and assisting with activities*Math nights for parents and students

Summer Mathematics Camp Instructor

Department of Mathematics Outreach Programs, Michigan State UniversitySpatial Sense, grades 2-5: geometry and topology activitiesRoles: Curriculum Designer, Instructor
From Zero to Infinity, grades 3-7: number and operations activitiesRoles: Lesson Facilitator (2), Teacher Assistant

Outreach Assistant & Volunteer

Department of Mathematics Outreach Programs, Michigan State University*East Lansing Elementary Math Circle*Elementary Math Nights*Julia Robinson Elementary Mathematics Festival

Teacher Assistant / Classroom Mathematics Tutor (grades 4-7)

Tucson Unified School District & Amphitheater School District, Tucson, AZ*Observed classrooms, tutored students, assisted teachers with small group review sessions & in-class activities*Tutored students in grades 3-5 during after-school algebra club*Served as a mentor to encourage pathways to college

Program Assistant Mentor, San Antonio Pre-freshman Engineering Program (PREP)

Northeast Lakeview College, San Antonio, TX*Mentored 25 middle school and high school students (grades 7-10)*Daily review sessions for program courses: Intro to Engineering, Logic, Problem Solving, Computer Science (HTML)