mathematics education

teacher education

critical race studies

digital media literacies

Recent Publications

Mehta, R., & Guzmán, L. D. (2018). Fake or visual trickery? Quantitative visual rhetoric for social justice and media literacy. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 10(2), 104-122.

Craig, J., & Guzmán, L. (2018). Six Propositions of a Social Theory of Numeracy: Interpreting an Influential Theory of Literacy. Numeracy, 11(2), Article 2.

Guzmán, L. D. (2018). Using concept maps in teacher education: Building connections among multiple mathematical knowledge bases and assessing mathematical understanding. Toward Equity and Social Justice in Mathematics Education, T. Bartell (Ed.)

Guzman, L. D. (2016). Unpacking expectations and lenses in mathematics classroom observations—A commentary on White’s case. In D. Y. White, S. Crespo, & M. Civil (Eds.), Cases for teacher educators: Facilitating conversations about inequities in mathematics classrooms (pp. 197-201). Charlotte, NC: Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators and Information Age Publishing.