
Main guidelines about this activity (friday, 23rd of march, 2018)

This is "under construction" (work in progress)

General Tips 2018.doc

What tools do you need?

As a teacher: Google Classroom, Google Docs, Tour Builder, Google Earth, Google Forms, Socrative Teacher & Remind (instead of this one you can use Google Groups or Google Hangouts)

As a student: Google Classroom, Google Earth App mobile & Google Forms. (Socrative Student & Remind: these 2 are not compulsory)


Step 1: Create a list of places/buildings you want to visit and write the questions and answers in a Google Docs file

gironART18 example .doc

Step 2: Create a Google Form file for each place/building you want to visit

With the same questions and answers, but now you can use the new "self grading test" option in Google Forms

More info about Google Forms Quiz

Step 3: Create a Tour Builder Tour

Add the places you want to visit and in each one copy/paste the questions and answers from your Google Docs file

At the end of the text, write the link to the specific Google Forms (for this place/building)

Step 4: In Google Classroom, share all the material (links, files...) related to the activity

  • General Tips file (you can read my suggestions about this at the top of this page)
  • Group Members file (It is absolutely interesting the "editable" option because days before the activity students can write their names and groups)
  • Google Earth for mobile tutorial
  • And the most important one: the KML/KMZ file created in Tour Builder. So then students can save it in their Google Drive.
  • If students have Google Classroom and Google Earth in their mobiles this file can be open directly.


You need in your mobiles: Google Earth App, Google Classroom and the option of answering a Google Forms

All the files you receive in your Google Classroom Class can be open or save in your Google Drive, if your teacher does it properly.