United Nations Human Rights Council

The United Nations Human Rights Council is an intergovernmental body within the United Nations system responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe and for addressing situations of human rights violations, as well as make recommendations on them. It has the ability to discuss all thematic human rights issues and situations that require its attention.


Natalia Marín

Greetings distinguished delegates,

It with great pleasure that I give you a warm welcome to BAMUN XVII! I am Natalia Marin and will be presiding over the United Nations Human Rights Council along with my Co-President Mariana Curvelo.

The UNHRC Chair expects utmost preparation from each of the delegates, and this requires nothing less than your best effort. It is of great importance that all delegates do an indepth investigation and analysis of the historical backgrounds of each topic. We look forward to delegates using this knowledge to participate in ongoing debates that will lead to solutions regarding international peace and security.

In case of any doubts or concerns, don’t hesitate in contacting me at: marin.natalia@marymountbq.edu.co. I am more than happy to answer any questions to ensure you feel comfortable and prepared for the model. I wish you the best of luck!


Natalia Marin

Mariana Curvelo

Greetings delegates,

My name is Mariana Curvelo and it is my honor and utmost pleasure to welcome you to BAMUN XVII and the United Nations Human Rights Council!

Along with my Co-President Natalia Marin, I will be presiding over the UNHRC Committee this year. As you know, this committee will deal with extremely relevant topics that center around humanitarian and social issues taking place around the world.

We expect all delegates that decide to take part in this committee to be well prepared and have the disposition to seek out bilateral solutions for the topics that will be discussed throughout the model.

Remember to bring your best self to this model, as you will be igniting the sparks of humanity. If any doubts should arise during your research, don’t hesitate to email me at curvelo.mariana@marymountbq.edu.co and I will be sure to reply as soon as possible.


Mariana Curvelo


A. Oppression of Human Rights Provoked by Defense Forces

B. Women in Asia: A Hidden Culture of Injustice