The Arab League is an intergovernmental organization (IGO), a voluntary association of independent African and Middle East countries whose peoples are mainly Arabic speaking. It is comprised by 22 members including Palestine, which the League regards as an independent state.The stated purposes of the Arab League are to strengthen ties among the member states, coordinate their policies, and promote their common interests.


Valentina Rueda

Greetings distinguished delegates,

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the seventeenth edition of BAMUN. This year I have the honor of presiding over, along with my Co-President Maria Alejandra Fonseca, the Joint Crisis: Arab League Committee.

We expect all delegates to take matters into their own hands and come up with immediate and efficient solutions for the different situations they will be facing. We hope that the time given will be used wisely and that everyone will provide their best effort.

Now more than ever, in the difficult times the world is facing, we need to give hope to those who have lost it. We need to prove that there is still a chance for change to be made, change that will help our society have faith once again by reigniting the fire of hope that once shined so brightly.

If you have any questions or doubts, please don’t hesitate to contact me at, and I will reach back to you as soon as possible.


Valentina Rueda

Maria Alejandra Fonseca

Greetings honorable delegates,

With complete pleasure and excitement I welcome you to the seventeenth Barranquilla Model United Nations Conference. My name is Maria Alejandra Fonseca and I will be presiding over the Joint Crisis: Arab League Committee along with my Co-President Valentina Rueda.

Over the next few days, we expect you to be thoroughly prepared to discuss some of the most relevant, intriguing, and polarizing topics that are altering the way the world maneuvers every day. It is extremely exciting for us to be present in a committee that will touch on predominant topics of our current world and we hope we can see a similar intensity in each and every single one of your interventions.

I will always be present to help and guide you, so if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me through my email and I will be willing to help you.

Once again, we hope to have an amazing model and committee and that, with your aid, we can find the means to ignite the sparks of hope for a better future and society!

Best Regards,

Maria Alejandra Fonseca


A. Increasing International Tensions as the Syrian Conflict Amplifies