
Hourly Rate:  Ms. Giacomelli's hourly rate is $300.00 per hour.

Contingency Fee:  Ms. Giacomelli accepts certain categories of cases on contingency fee, which is typically, 33.3% of the recovery if the case resolves before trial, or 40% if the case resolves following a trial.

Disclaimer:  Fees are subject to change and always subject to negotiation.  Fees may also vary on a case by case basis.  However, the below represent approximations of the fees Marxen Law generally charges.

Are you frustrated by the fact that when you search for an attorney, none of the law firms/attorneys list their hourly fees and/or rates on their website?  Marxen Law understands this frustration and prides itself on not only making every effort to keep rates/fees competitive but also being upfront about all fees and costs.  Marxen Law only accepts cases pursuant to an hourly fee or contingency fee agreement.  Marxen Law does NOT accept cases pursuant to a flat and/or fixed fee agreement.

Contingency Fee: Marxen Law evaluates whether it will accept cases on a contingency fee on a case by case basis.  Typically, Marxen Law charges a 33.3% contingency fee, meaning that Marxen Law would receive 33.3% of the net recovery plus payment by the client of all of the costs incurred (e.g., filing fees, service of process fees, mediation fees).