Lab events and comix

Scientists night, 2014

Lab warming, 2013

                                      Group meeting, 2014                                                                        Shimon Peres visit, 2014

Hanukah Parties, 2018 and 2019

A trip to Aco with Veronica Hinman, 2018


Siao Visit, 2018

Lab trip, Summer 2019

Christmas Party in Maeelya - the best place in the world! 2020

Lab Mask, by Yarden Ben-Tabou de-Leon, Corona 2020

Eman and Majed won the first prizes for Lecture and poster in our Departmental annual retreat in June 2021.


Lab trip 

to Binyamina 


Majed's talk at the IsSDB


ISEB 2023, Haifa

Prashant's and Daniel's posters are very popular!

ISEB 2023, Haifa

Smadar's talk was well received!

And the best poster goes to.... Daniel Goloe! :-)

Lab Purim Party

March 2023

Prashant presents in the 3 minutes thesis


Stanislav Shvartsman visit

29/5/2023 (Areen was teaching at the time the picture was taken)

Winners of the Best presentations competition at the 10th Annual Marine Biology retreat 7/3/2024

Presenting  at the 10th Annual Marine Biology retreat 7/3/2024

Winning logo by Shanduo Chen!