
Graduation Ceremony

We are proud of our amazing graduate students!

Yesterday was a truly special day as we watched six of our amazing graduate students walk across the stage at graduation. 

To Shunit Truzman (Magna Cum Laude), Mor Yona (Cum Laude) Orzion Levi (Magna Cum Laude), Ilan Aizelman, Nadav Cohen(Cum Laude), and Aviad Etzion (Cum Laude), your intellectual curiosity, and work have been a privilege to witness. Not only have you achieved significant academic milestones in inertial sensing and robotics (six journal papers and five under review, five papers in conference proceedings, and six international conference talks), but you have also grown into outstanding researchers.

We have no doubt you'll all continue to do incredible things. Congratulations graduates!  



The Israel Navigation Systems and Applications conference featured two outstanding PhD students from the ANSFL team:

Nadav Cohen talked about our work on deep learning for the deep sea: data-driven methods for autonomous underwater vehicle navigation.

Daniel Engelsman addressed the exciting field of information-aided inertial navigation. 



We excited to share that IAAC annual meeting of graduate students in Systems and Control was held for the first time at the University of Haifa and was a great success.

It was organized  by our own Prof. Itzik Klein and featured talks from two of our PhD students:

Daniel Engelsman, Towards Learning-Based Gyrocompassing.

Dan Solodar, VIO-DualProNet: Visual-Inertial Odometry with Learning Based Process Noise Covariance.

In addition, three of our students: Nadav Cohen, Aviad Etzion, and Zeev Yampolsky chaired the sessions during the conference.


ENC 2024 Noordwijk, The Netherlands 

Yair Stolero presented his research on reducing low-cost gyroscope calibration time by employing deep learning methods and multiple IMUs


Oceans 2024 Singapore

Prof. Klein was honored to chair the session focused on deep-learning navigation for autonomous underwater vehicles. ANSFL three Ph.D. students took center stage and share their research with the world. Their presentations were met with enthusiastic questions and sparked some fascinating discussions. 

Nadav Cohen talked on our data-driven strategies for coping with incomplete Doppler velocity log measurements to allow seamless autonomous underwater vehicle navigation.

Zeev Yampolsky addressed Doppler velocity log calibration using our proposed data-driven methods, which allow more accurate and fast calibration process.

Daniel Engelsman introduced a dedicated learning framework aimed at mitigating environmental effects and offering precise underwater gyrocompassing.


Prof. Klein Joins DSRC

Prof. Klein joins the leadership team of DSRC, the Data Science Research Center at the University of Haifa



Discover Applied Sciences - New Collocation Open for Submission 

Collection Link


Editors: Prof. Oren Gal and Prof. Itzik Klein

Scope: Data science has become a vital element in autonomy and navigation, improving decision-making processes and providing accurate navigation capabilities. Additionally, sensory data collected from diverse sensors is a counterstone in developing sophisticated sensor fusion algorithms using deep learning or hybrid methodologies. Advances in real-time processing facilitate faster decision making and obstacle avoidance for autonomous systems that can be operated in very limited hardware computation capacity. Data science continues to be a driving force in autonomy and navigation. It provides the tools and techniques to address these challenges and push the boundaries of what autonomous systems can achieve. This Topical Collection aims at collecting high quality research papers and review articles focusing on recent advances in data-driven based autonomy and navigation.


Invitation to ANSFL open day event - 26/03/24 


Congratulations Zeev Yampolsky on being selected among the 15 outstanding students for the prestige presidential scholarship for direct PhD track students


Congratulations to Daniel Engelsman on winning the University of Haifa PhD Excellence Scholarship!

This prize is a well-deserved recognition of your extraordinary achievements during your studies. Your hard work and dedication are an inspiration to us all!


SeaAI conference. Four talks from our team: Kobi Libero, Mor Yona, Zeev Yampolsky, and Nadav Cohen. Kobi received an award for his talk. Congratulation :-)


We had the wonderful opportunity to present our model and learning AUV navigation research at the OCEANS Conference workshop this week, Limerick, Ireland. 


Shunit presented our paper on an outlier-insensitive Kalman filter (with Guy Revach and Nir Shlezinger) at ICASSP2023, Rhodes island, Greece.


Nadav presented our hybrid adaptive extended Kalman filter for INS/DVL fusion during the European navigation conference (ENC), Noordwijk, Netherlands.


Congratulations Artur and Kobi on being ranked as the Dean's honor students for advanced studies for their master degree.


It was a pleasure to present our data-driven inertial sensing research to the Israeli robotics community and meet talented people. 


It was a true honor and pleasure to host Prof. Yaakov Bar-Shalom for a special seminar at ANSFL.


ANSFL’s data-driven underwater navigation session. At the underwater technology symposium UT23, held in the amazing city of Tokyo.




With ANSFL’s continued growth, we are moving to the main campus of the university :-) 


SeaAI - Save the date !

Call for papers and exhibition. 


SeaAI - Save the date !

Artificial Intelligence and Sea. A one-day conference bringing together researchers working on AI (theory and practice) and sea (marine science and technology).

More details coming soon. 


We're very excited about our upcoming workshop at IEEE ROSE 2022


The 4th annual conference on Chemical Sensors for Wearable Devices: Towards Artificial Intelligence Based Inertial Sensing


Paper submission is now open to our special issue.  Pleasure to co-guest edit this SI with Prof. Yiqing Yao for Sensors MDPI


Helmholtz Information and Science Academy: HiDA lecture series: Data Driven Inertial Sensing


DGON Inertial Sensors and System (ISS) Symposium in the beautiful city of Braunschweig


Join us at the ANSFL  Robotics Summer Seminar 14/08/22 


Congratulations Aviad Etzion and Nadav Cohen on being selected among the 15 outstanding students for the prestige presidential scholarship for direct PhD track students


ANSFL exposure event, University of Haifa,  May 2022.


UAE Education Minster visit at the Hatter Department of Marine Technologies, November 2021.


Our first experiment with Snapir AUV (ECA A18D), May 2021. 


Finally, a face to face meeting :-),  April 2021.