Events & Resources

Upcoming Trainings, Events & Resources

Upcoming Events & Essential Resources

Partner agencies throughout Marin County and the region offer trainings and events to support providers and community members in understanding legal rights and how to access services. Additionally, resources from experts around the state and country offer guidance and tools. Use the Events Calendar and the Essential Resources table below to explore the available opportunities.

Events Calendar

The calendar below reflects upcoming events and trainings for providers and community members. Note that some events require registration to participate. 

Essential Resources

The table below includes Guides & Resources and Immigration Legal Services. To search for relevant resources, first choose the appropriate tab at the top of the table. Next, select the topic or service you are searching for. You can only select one topic or service at a time. You can scroll from page to page using the left and right arrows at the bottom of the table.

Header Image by Nina Strehl on Unsplash