Instructor Pay

How Are Instructor Salaries Determined?


MCJROTC instructors are school employees,  the institution (school district) is the employing agency. The Marine Corps sets a minimum salary that the instructor must be paid, this is referred to as Minimum Instructor Pay (MIP).  MIP is determined by the Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps Standardized Instructor Pay Scale (JSIPS). The institution is required to pay the MCJROTC Instructor no less then than MIP.  The Marine Corps will reimbursed to the school one-half of the MIP for each instructor employed at the host institution. 

Although MIP is established as the minimum pay , Instructors may negotiate with with the host institution for a higher salary.  Regardless of the salary agreed to by the Instructor and the  host institution , the Marine Corps will only contribute 50% of the MIP to the host institution.


Benefits. Instructors in the MCJROTC program normally receive the same fringe benefits (health insurance, retirement plan, sick leave, vacation, holiday, etc.) afforded other teachers in the local school district. It is highly recommended, however, that such benefits be thoroughly discussed in the employment interview.

Interviewing at a host institution.  Before interviewing at a host institution,  interested Marines must have been been found qualified by the Director MCJROTC and be in receipt of a MCJROTC qualification letter.  Qualified Marines who would like to apply for a vacant position at a host institution must first contact the Regional Director who has oversight of the institution with the vacancy. The Regional Director will help you arrange an interview as well as provide you with important information for the hiring process. 


Employment Notification. Upon receiving an intent to hire letter from the host school, instructors must notify MCJROTC Operations  immediately to start the required government background investigation.  Instructors may not begin working at a host institution until cleared to do so by MCJROTC HQ. 


Minimum Instructor Pay (MIP) information

Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps Standardized Instructor Pay Scale (JSIPS) – Minimum Pay Scale Determination

The employing school’s physical address will be used to determine which Office of Personnel Management (OPM) GS locality table must be used.  Based off the appropriate GS Locality table, the following tables are used to determine an instructors MIP, for equivalency purposes only.

Enlisted Instructor filling in a SMI position will receive a two-step increase.

This is an unofficial MIP calculation, all official MIP amounts will come from JROTC HQ

Using the table below, scroll down to find the School name and the Table # associated with it.

Note: Use the search field below to find the JS pay for the school you're interested in. Make sure to enter the correct table number and allow a few seconds for the results to update after initiating the search.  "E" is for Enlisted & "0" is for Officer

**The JS pay scale is on an annual 12-month amount, therefore, all annual amounts must be divided by 12 to get a monthly MIP amount. **