Parent Tips

Help your kids learn these basic social skills. Click on the link below to go to the website for extra tips and ideas on how to teach these skills! Remember, one of the best ways to teach social skills is by modeling and showing your kids by doing these things yourself!

What do you think? Some individual work spaces to create at home!

These are some helpful tips for age appropriate children

<---- Click on the button to the left to be taken to a page created by Discovery Education and the Dove Self-Esteem Project. On this page you will find some activities that can help your child feel more confident, build self-esteem, and promote positive body image. The activities provide detailed and step-by-step instructions on how to complete the activity. You can change any part of the activity to fit your family needs, but use the base information to help your child learn and grow. Don't hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Cwynar or Mrs. Swigart for more help/ideas!

"Parents and caregivers have a huge influence on their student’s lives. Support your student(s) at home with resources that focus on confidence-building, self-esteem, and positive body image."

- Discovery Education/Dove Self-Esteem Project's Amazing Me

Some great at home websites to explore!

Here are some great ideas to help build self-regulation skills at home. Please contact Mrs. Cwynar or Mrs. Swigart if you need some help with any of these strategies or examples on how to use them at home!

Children listen to EVERYTHING we say! Take a look at these examples of how to talk with a child to help boost their confidence and promote positive ways to communicate :)

Having trouble getting your kids off of a game console, tablet, phone, or other electronics (outside of school use)? Try implementing this ten step countdown so they can EARN screen time after being active and helpful first!

<------ Click on the link to find out more about how much screen time is appropriate for your child.

Learning Styles Inventory

Open up this Learning Style Inventory and have your child answer the questions to see what way your child learns best. Knowing your child's learning style can help with studying and helping them complete assignments while decreasing the arguments.

Here are some great ideas to help your child learn how to manage emotions and stressful feelings!

Some great and simple tips to help with conflicts between siblings (or just in general)!

Here's some great tips to help get your child motivated throughout the day!

As a parent, it's hard to take care of others if you don't take care of yourself. Work your way through this Self Care Bingo board to make sure that you are doing something for you each day to stay recharged!

Help promote a Growth Mindset with simple phrases like these


Click on the link to explore the full list!