
Does your child need a break throughout the day? The digital calm corner can provide that break to help your child process different emotions/feelings. The interactive slides also provide different strategies that will help them calm down and relax! Click on the button below to be taken to the Google Classroom and get started!

Here's a few ways that explain how the brain works so children can understand why we sometimes "flip our lid" and lose control of emotions. Once they understand why they lose control, they may use mindfulness and other coping skills more often to calm themselves from negative emotions.

Here's a great way breathing technique to help teach deep breathing to children

Use this as a "check-in" with your child to see how they are feeling

More fun breathing techniques to try!

A body scan is an easy way to bring mindfulness to your body and to help you relax and breath away any tension or stress.

Play the video to the right ------> and follow the steps to complete the body scan.

9 mindfulness apps

Check out these great mindfulness apps that can be download on a phone or tablet! Most are even FREE to download! There are some great choices to help your child learn how to be mindful and calm... best part, these apps can be used ANYWHERE!

Try these Gratitude Activities as a family to encourage finding the joy in everyday! You can stretch the Scavenger Hunt out over 8 days! Use the Journal Page to help write down something good for each day of the week!

Mindfulness Brain Break Ideas