Ikea Headphone Stand

Here's my take on an Ikea headphone stand. Very easy to build, and quite inexpensive. Multiple options too.

The base is an Aptitlig cutting board. $4.99/ea

The pillar is Granhult shelf bracket. $13/2-pack

The arm can vary.

A Bjarnum wall hook works for every headphone, but flat top might leave indentations. $4.99/ea

Capita legs works well, but can also leave a small indentation. $13/4-pack

They used to make these in a longer size, but not any more. Still, the 4.5" ones work well.

Note, these legs are really easy to use with a large cutting board to make a great amp or monitor riser. Ikea sells a few large boards that work well.

Ordning crock. Works well for very thin headphones, or very large ones like Focal Utopia/Clear. $2.99/ea. You can even rollup the wire and store it in the crock.

Might work for an arm, but might be too wide:

Putting it together

The bracket come with screws, which fit perfectly into the wood base. Drilling pilot holes is recommended. Heck, you can drill the hole all the way through the board since no one will see the bottom.

You will also need to drill a hole to attach the arm to the pillar. And you will need the right-sized screw and possibly a nut and washer to attach the arm to the pillar, depending on which arm you use. I will leave that up to you to figure out. Finally, you will want some rubber feet, or felt pads, for the bottom.

There you have it! For $4.99 +$13 + $2.99 = $20.98 + tax , you can have a pretty slick headphone stand. Since you have to buy the brackets in a 2 pack, get an extra base and arm and make two!

What does it look like built? Note the headphones on this stand are large. Even the Sennheiser HD650 doesn't fit quite as well.

This is where you need the drill. You have to drill one or two holes in the bracket. I choose two. I should probably also add a locking washer.