Activities / Success Stories

Successful Study Habits to Prepare for College Exams 

As December 2023 approaches, college students are getting ready for their IGNOU Term-End Examination. There has been a dramatic increase in inquiries as the tests draw near; they appear to be displaying a positive attitude as they endeavor to take strides towards producing better results and making their future brighter. 

In adherence to the IGNOU standards, think college learners are providing assignments for their term-end examination. The submission of assignments is compulsory. The main purpose of the assignment is to test your comprehension of the learning materials you receive from us and also to help you get through the courses. The learners had to make the assignments according to the IGNOU guidelines.

Inside Look: Think College - Accessible Education for Everyone 

We took a trip to Lady Irwin College, Mandi House to secure approval for the holding of an awareness camp at their school. We had a discussion with Mr. Suraj and Mr. Ram Niwas. Our chat about organizing the awareness camp was productive and they volunteered to stage it in November after Diwali. Read More

After the Diwali festival in November, we intended to arrange an awareness camp at Shaheed Rajguru College. We are committed to conducting such camps in more educational institutions so that society can be informed on overcoming the issues of children with special needs, and how they can progress.

An Honest Account of Soham Deb's Family

I am Soham’s Deb’s parent and I am delighted to announce that Manovikas have aided a great deal in the evolution of my son's skills. They suggested we register Soham for a bachelor's degree and currently, he is highly enthused about his studies. This decision has had an extremely positive effect on his behaviour; I am overjoyed with myself that I agreed to enroll Soham at college.

Happy after completing My Graduation

I Shreya Raina enrolled in IGNOU BA Programme in January Session 2021. I have completed my 1st and 2nd Year with the support of Manovikas. And in June 2023 I appeared in the final year exam and passed in all subjects with the support of Manovikas IGNOU Special Study Centre- 29047D. Now I am happy to tell everyone that I have completed my Graduation and curiously waiting for my marksheet and Degree.

Counseling Sessions for IGNOU Special Learners

Counseling held in August 2023 for IGNOU Special Learners. They interact with the counselor and solve their queries. For the counseling session, they were prepared with their lots of queries and were happy when their queries were solved. They both look to be satisfied as they are in Studying in College.  In their feedback they said that they are happy and want to complete their graduation in time.

Ongoing Offline IGNOU Exam for the Session Jan 2021

 Experience of Exam Superintendent:

परीक्षा एक तपस्या है और उसमे भी अगर परीक्षा संभालने का  कार्य मिल जाये तो, उसे संभालना किसी यज्ञ को पूर्ण करने जैसा हो जाता है | 

जी हाँ मै इंदिरा आलोक, मनोविकास  स्कूल की प्रिंसिपल जिसे की 4 मार्च से 11 अप्रैल 2022 तक  मनोविकास इगनू  स्पेशल स्टडी सेंटर - 29047d में परीक्षा अधीक्षक की भूमिका निभाने की जिम्मेदारी दी गई |  परीक्षा अधीक्षक बनना एवं उसको निभाने का एक अपना अलग अनुभव रहा है |  परीक्षा के दौरान निरीक्षकों एवं अन्य सदस्यों  को परीक्षा के लिए तैयार करना, पुरे परीक्षा के दौरान छात्रों को किसी तरह की कोई परेशानी न हो इसका भी पूरा ध्यान रखा गया | सबसे अच्छी बात यह रही की मनोविकास विशेष सेंटर- २९०४७डी होने के कारण हमारे यहाँ परीक्षा दने के लिए दृष्टिबाधित एवं प्रमस्तिष्क घात से ग्रसित छात्र एवं छात्रा ने भी परीक्षा दिया जिसमे उन्हें स्क्राइब से लेकर अन्य सुबिधायें भी दी गयी जो इगनू के नॉर्म के अनुसार उन्हें मिलना चाहिए | अपने दिव्यांग छात्र वैभव को स्क्राइब मिलने के बाद उनका धन्यवाद नोट भी प्राप्त हुआ, जिसे देखकर और पढ़कर काफी प्रसन्नता हुई | पूरी शिदत के साथ मैंने यह कार्य को संपन्न किया | 

मैं  अपने पुरे एग्जाम टीम के सदस्य को धन्यवाद देना चाहती हूँ की जिनके सहयोग से यह यज्ञ संपन्न हुआ | साथ ही संस्था के प्रबंधक सचिव को विशेष धन्यवाद जिन्होंने मुझे इस काबिल समझा और मुझे यह जिम्मेदारी दी | 

एक्सपीरियंस बताते हुए इग्नू की निरीक्षक:

मैं रूबी कुमारी मनोविकास इगनू  स्पेशल स्टडी सेंटर - २९०४७डी में वर्ष 2020 से  स्टूडेंट सपोर्ट और एक काउंसलर  के रूप में काम कर रही  हूँ | यूँ तो मनोविकास में मै वर्ष 2004 से काम कर रही हूँ, लेकिन जो मेरा अपना पर्सनल अनुभव ऑफलाइन परीक्षा के बारे में है वो आप लोगों को बताना चाहूंगी  की परीक्षा से  पहले एक निरीक्षक को बहुत तैयारियां करनी होती हैं जैसे - कुर्सी टेबल की व्यवस्था करना, कोविद-१९ के प्रोटोकॉल को ध्यान में रखते हुए बच्चों को बिठाना, समय पर एग्जाम शुरू करवाना, मास्क पहना है की नहीं,कोई और सामान तो एग्जाम रूम ले जाना , ये चेक करना की आई कार्ड और हॉल टिकट सही है की नहीं, ये सब तो एग्जाम शुरू होने से पहले, इसी तरह परीक्षा शुरू होने के बाद यह सुनिश्चित करना कि सारे परीक्षार्थी के कॉपी ठीक से भरा है या नहीं , अटेंडेंस फॉर्म सभी लोगो ने किया या नहीं उसके बाद सारी  कॉपियों की गिनती करके परीक्षा नियंत्रण कक्षा में  जमा करना ,समय से उतर पुस्तिका लेना इत्यादि | एक  निरीक्षक के  पास ये सारे  कार्य  को संपन्न करना एक बहुत बड़ा जिम्मेदारी का होता है, जो की  मैंने पूरा किया है | यह मेरा एक अलग ही अनुभव महसूस किया है, इसके लिए मै एग्जाम  सुपरिटेंडेंट को बहुत धन्यवाद देना चाहूंगी की मुझे परीक्षा में   निरीक्षक के पद के लिए चुना |

Some Examinees Experiences:

Examinee: Madhur Bhatnagar

Examinee: Rishabh Tyagi

 मैं खुद को बहुत भाग्यशाली मानता हूँ की मेरा एग्जाम स्टडी सेंटर मनोविकास -२९०४७डी था  क्योंकि यहाँ एग्जाम की व्यवस्था बहुत अच्छी थी जैसे की पानी, पंखे और AC की व्यवस्था , सिटींग की व्यवस्था  तथा इंविजिलेटर  की व्यवस्था  |  मनोविकास इग्नू स्पेशल स्टडी सेंटर - २९०४७डी मेरा स्टडी सेंटर भी है  | मेरे एक्साम्स बहुत अच्छे गायें हैं जिसकी वजह ऑनलाइन काउंसलिंग क्लासेस जो मुझे मनोविकास  इग्नू स्पेशल स्टडी सेंटर- २९०४७ डी से मिली थी | मै सभी अध्यापकों को धन्यवाद देना चाहूंगा की आज उनके बजह से मैं अच्छे से परीक्षा दे सका  |

Journey of IGNOU in Manovikas Special Study Centre- 29047D

My Self Sangeeta, Working as a professional at Manovikas Special study Centre - 29047D from 2009 . It was a great experience to facilitate the Academic counsellor for different open Distance Learning mode (ODL). It was a great opportunity to meet learners from different areas  of Delhi and NCR and support them for their distance learning center towards the Induction and Counselling session.

As a professional of the Special Education field of Manovikas IGNOU Special Study centre-29047D, I need to involve more people with disabilities to get the higher education from Indira Gandhi National Open university (IGNOU).

My journey started from 2009 for Manovikas IGNOU special study Centre and experience to meet different learners from different socioeconomic backgrounds and their enthusiasm towards education was very good. We hope many learners get the opportunity of an open distance facility .

मैं खुशबू गुप्ता  इग्नू  - इंदिरा गाँधी नेशनल ओपन विश्वविद्यालय से  बी ए द्वितीया वर्ष की छात्रा हूँ | मेरा स्टडी सेंटर मनोविकास  स्पेशल स्टडी सेंटर – 29047डी है। मैने वर्ष 2020 में इग्नू  में दाखिला लिया  था । यह वर्ष पूरे देश  के लिए  स्मरणीय रहेगा क्यूंकि इसी वर्ष में कोरोना नामक महामारी विष्व में  फ़ैल गयी थी । सभी vishvidhyala , कोलेज, एवं शिक्षण संस्थान बंद हो चुके थे। मैने अपनी बारहवी कक्षा का अध्ययन पूरा किया ही था। मुझे कॉलेज में दाखिला लेने के लिये चयन करना मुश्किल लग रहा था। तब मेरे पिताजी ने मुझे इग्नू विश्वविद्यालय  से पढ़ाई करने का सुझाव दिया। मैने 

इग्नू में दाखिला लेकर, मनोविकास सेंटर में अध्ययन करना सुनिश्चित किया । जो संभवत मेरे लिए अच्छा निर्णय था | 

क्योंकि इस संस्थान में अलग अलग अवसरों पर अलग प्रकार की गतिविधियां  जैसे:- वृक्षारोपण, स्वतंत्रता दिवस , बसंत पंचमी,दीपावली मेला इत्यादि करायी  जाती हैं, जिससे हमारा व्यक्तित्व में और निखार ला सकें । इस बजह के मुझे बहुत लाभ मिला जैसे:-  एक तो मैं घर बैठकर ऑनलाईन पढाई कर पा रही हूँ  और दुसरा इग्नू  एक ओपन यूनिवर्सिटी की वजह से और भी दूसरे कोर्स में  एडमिशन ले पाई । मुझे और बाकि छात्रों को मनोविकास इग्नू  स्पेशल स्टडी सेंटर से मदद मिली । यहां तक की  अवकाश वाले दिन में  भी सभी अध्यापकगण फोन पर या ईमेल पर सभी प्रकार से हमारी सहायता के लिए तत्पर रहते हैं। सभी अध्यापकों की जितनी भी प्रशंसा की जाए वह कम ही होगी। मैं बहुत भाग्यशाली हूँ की मुझे इतने कर्मठ  एवं अच्छे अध्यापकों का संरक्षण में मै अपना कोर्स को पूरा कर रही हूँ | यह मेरे जीवन का एक भाग है जो कि मुझे हमेशा याद रहेगा |

Activities of Manovikas IGNOU Special Study Centre-29047D

Manovikas IGNOU Special Study Centre runs different distance learning programs under Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). Manovikas IGNOU Special Study Centre in different programs and 35 Academic Counselors approved by IGNOU. We have organised an Induction meeting for the July 2021 session and the program is chaired by our Coordinator Dr. Alok Kumar “Bhuwan” ,Assistant Regional Director Dr. Shyni Duggal, Assistant Coordinator Ms. Neeru Tandon, Project Officer- Advocacy Ms. Sangeeta and counsellor’s Ms. Indira Alok, Ms. Rubi Kumari, Ms. Parveen Bano and Mr. Sharmil Dubey. 

Coordinator Dr. Alok Kumar “Bhuwan” impart the information regarding the assignment, Term end examination, Identity Card, counseling session, re-registration and schedule. We as a learner support centre always help our students in our counseling session. The total number of learners registered in this meeting was 500 approx (on both Zoom and facebook live). The duration of this induction meeting was 2:25 (Two Hours and twenty Five Minutes).


Assistant Regional Director Dr. Shyni Duggal Mam gave an honourable speech in which she impart information about the ODL system of IGNOU University and enrolment procedure of learners and learning objective of open distance learning.  She also  appreciates Manovikas IGNOU Special Study Centre-29047D for the overall development of learners by placing and provision of  internship facilities in different projects of Manovikas itself. She acknowledges the tremendous involvement of  IGNOU learners in Manovikas facilities. We are very much thankful and grateful to Dr. Shyni Duggal  presence during the Induction meeting to provide the eye open direction to us.  

Happy to be a part of Manovikas Family

Hello! I am Parveen Bano from Banaras, completed my educational and Professional qualification from Varanasi. I loved to teach and made teaching my profession. In my career  journey from internship in AIIMS to Manovikas Charitable Society experienced many ups and downs. I have been a part of Manovikas family as an Academic Counselor of Social work program of IGNOU from December 2013. Today at present I am happy to be a part of Manovikas IGNOU Special Study Centre- 29047D. Manovikas provide access to higher education to all segments of the society and  offer high-quality, innovative and need-based programmes at different levels, to all those who require it.

Situation During Covid -19

We have Successfully Conducted the June 2021 Term End Examination through offline mode with all measurable precautions for Covid-19 during the months of August and September 2021. 

We are open now on Saturday and Sunday for student support from 10 am till 4 pm. 

On Social media, we have shared advertisements for faculty of new programs like CIT, DTS, CNM, etc.

इगनू (IGNOU) छात्र - दुष्यंत की सफलता की कहानी

मैं दुष्यंत इगनू (IGNOU) बी. ए का छात्र हूँ । मेरा स्टडी सेंटर मनोविकास -29047D है । मैं बहुत भाग्यशाली हूँ की मुझे मनोविकास इगनों  स्पेशल स्टडी सेंटर-29047D  मिला क्यूंकि यहाँ के अध्यापक अन्य सेंटरों के मुकाबले बहुत ही मददगार हैं। मुश्किल के समय मे यहाँ के अध्यापक छात्रों की मदद करते हैं । छुट्टी वाले दिन भी मदद  के लिए हमेशा तैयार रहते हैं। 

कोरोना काल के दौरान हम छात्रों को ऑनलाइन क्लास भी उपलब्ध कराई गई। जिससे हम छात्रों की पढाई ख़राब न हो सके। हमारे सेंटर में वर्ष में विभिन तरह की एक्टिविटीज करवाई जाती हैं जैसे “ दीवाली मेला“ , “गणतन्त्र दिवस”, “गाँधी जयंती” आदि। मैंने और मेरे सहपाठियों ने मिलकर  “ दीवाली मेला“ के अवसर पर हासिये नाटक का प्रदर्शन भी किया  था। पढाई के साथ साथ हम  छात्रों का मनोरंजन भी होता था।


हमारे मनोविकास सेंटर में सभी विषयों की पढाई कराइ गई हैं जिससे छत्रो को भी इसका पूरा लाभ मिला। कॉलेज में LED स्क्रीन भी उपलब्ध हैं जिससे बच्चे वहां ऑनलाइन जानकारी भी ले सके। 

कॉलेज में किसी भी छात्र के साथ रैगिग आदि नहीं होती तथा सभी छात्रों को समान माना जाता हैं तथा सभी छात्रों पढाई के लिये सारी सुविधाएं उपलब्ध कराइ जाती हैं। जो छात्र कॉलेज छोड़ने वाले होते थे यानि जिनकी पढाई पूरी होने वाली होती थी तो उनके लिए फेयरवेल किया जाता हैं तथा अध्यापको के साथ एक यादगार फोटो ली जाती हैं जिससे बच्चो को कॉलेज के दिन याद आ जाए। कॉलेज में जिन बच्चों को किताबों की आवयश्कता होती थी उन्हें लाइब्रेरी भी उपलब्ध कराई जाती हैं जिससे छात्रों की पढाई का नुकसान न हो तथा वे पढ़ सके। 

Feedback - One of our Board Member

HelIo I am Namrta Amar (Sr. Special Educator and Governing Board Member of Manovikas Charitable Society ) working for the past 26yrs in the field of Special Education. My journey  in Special Education started 26yrs. back, when I got married and came to east Delhi. I wanted to work with animals, children or senior citizens. Mrs. Gupta aunty ji working in Amar Jyoti charitable Trust guided me to join Multi - Category Teacher's Training Course, thus introducing me to the world of Special Education. Since then I've been working wholeheartedly.

One day I visited Mr. Alok Kumar Bhuwan ( Coordinator- IGNOU Special center – 29047) in need of guidance for enhancing and expanding my work area though related to my experience. He guided me to join Masters in Social Work – Counselling (MSWC), which will refine my current skills and further enhance new skills.

All the staff members at Manovikas IGNOU Centre helped me in filling the admission form and other related procedures, as I’m not very computer savvy. They organised an online Induction meeting in which all the details related to IGNOU programs were shared with us and briefed us about the training schedule and activities. I regularly received the intimation of the schedule. All the Counselors had conducted our sessions regularly and were very supportive. Fieldwork Supervisors also guided us as per the need of the hour, but due to lockdown, we are unable to even start the process of our fieldwork practicals. I’m very happy that I chose Manovikas as my center for pursuing my MSWC.

Field Work Practicum in Social Work

 Experience of Supervisor View on Journal

Social Work is a professional course to  build the students who are socially concerned and competent to meet the social needs and development of human beings. The post-graduation course tries to promote a sense of social responsibility and commitment towards the needy, vulnerable and the marginalized sections of society. Both theoretical knowledge and practical help students to develop the skills required for professional social work practice. Field practicum is an important component of the MSW course. Field work comprises working with the social welfare agencies, non-government agencies, Government agencies or any organizations that were involved in helping individuals, groups or communities to enhance their social functioning or to enable them to cope with problems. 

There are a lot of Learners doing bachelor/master degrees in social work from IGNOU Study Centre at Manovikas Charitable Society. They have a lot of queries amongst them regarding field work. Study center allotted them a professionally qualified/trained person for day-to-day guidance and support. Major queries are:

1.   How to do field work, what is the process

`2.   Selection of NGO/Institution where field work can be done

3.   Case work, Group work, Research, Community organization etc

We tried to resolve the above issues to organize an Induction meeting with learners when they joined the course. Every time, the Induction meeting was taken by the Coordinator- Study Centre and also participated by all Supervisors. During the sessions, a lot of queries were raised by learners and we tried to resolve them. Besides Induction meetings, we regularly organize meetings on virtual platforms in small groups on WhatsApp, Google meet, Zoom and Conference call etc. During these meetings, all queries are resolved. Learners also called individually, through this we also resolved.

Sometimes, Learners don't get Journals and other books very delayed. In this situation, they face a lot. We motivate them to continue their study, and get help from online material.Fieldwork gives a reality check to the students. It is important to read about theories, but it is equally important to use the understanding of theories with reality outside of the institution of Social Work.

We always motivate learners to the field work in good and reputed organization, so that learnt a lot, every time hand holding support like:

·         Always suggest to do field work in group, so that learn a lot from each other’s

·         Focus on observe the activities organized by agency in field

·         Choose organization where Case work, group work is continuing

·          Must understand about the organization

  Prabhat Kumar Singh

Field Work Supervisor

IGNOU- Study Center

Manovikas Charitable Society

Mob. 9871972700

 Learners View - The work of Journal 

Hello, I Bhoj Raj completed my BSW Degree Programme from Manovikas IGNOU Special Study Center -29047D. Throughout the degree program of BSW, I had great experience on completing my journal and  I want to share it with you all. We have to do one journal each year in the BSW Programme. There are certain steps to complete the journals, which are as follows : 

This will be my memorable journey to complete the journals of BSW. 

Bhoj Raj 

My Experience towards Field Work Journal during COVID 19 

This is Abdul Malik Rajapatel and I am the learner of Master of Social Work Counseling in July 2020 batch. I am very much thankful to Manovikas, a special Study Center of IGNOU, to conduct such a great useful program. The counselors and supervisors are very helpful here. In the first year of my program the practical process was changed due to a unique situation in our country and around the world because of covid- 19. This has affected all of us practically in every sphere of life including our learning process. Due to challenges involved in visiting individuals - groups and communities for practical purposes, IGNOU has re-designed the strategies to enable students to do these academic exercises from home. 

For such a challenging task I am able to conduct MSWL46 and MSWL47 from home with the support of digital mediums like mobile phones, email, WhatsApp and Google forms.

 This made it possible to conduct and write to submit two practical journals in time with the great support of my fieldwork supervisor Mr. Sharmil Dubey. I respect his earliest response, whenever I made a call or tried to contact him he was always available to guide me for any query. Apart from my FWS, I am very much thankful to my counselors Prabhat Kumar, Om Prakash Choudhary, Parveen Bano, Nirmal Chhabra, Priti Dabas and also thanks to Dr. Alok Kumar Bhuwan, Neeru Tandon, Rubi Kumari and Manovikas faculty for the time, talent and expertise you have given. Your ideas, Input and enthusiasm were most helpful and have assisted us in making valuable improvements to this MSWC Program.


IGNOU Launched New Online Bachelor of Social Work (BSWOL) Programme. Manovikas IGNOU Special Study Centre- 29047D has been honored to run this programme and it is a great opportunity for us. It is a big achievement. It's the first batch of this programme and 132 learners have been allotted to us.

The Bachelor Degree Programme in Social Work (BSWOL) is meant for people who are interested in providing professional assistance to people in need. Persons with professional training/degree in Social Work generally work in socially relevant areas such as health care, community development, education, industry, counseling, family, correction, social defense, women, children, disability etc. With globalization, market economy and liberalization, new concerns and human problems are emerging which needs to be addressed. This programme will be particularly useful to people employed at middle and lower levels with NGOs. It will also be useful to fresh candidates who may like to work in social and social welfare sectors.

Eligibility & Medium:

Eligibility for admission: 10+2 or Equivalent

Medium of Instruction: English


Duration & Fee Structure

Duration of the programme: Minimum 03 year ;Maximum 06 years

INR(Rs.): 5,900.00/- for Per Year

For SAARC Students in INR(Rs.): 10,000.00/- Per Year

For NON SAARC Students in US($) 650.00/- for Per Year

Induction Meeting for learners of BSWOL Online Programme: 

The induction meeting for the online programme was held on 25th May 2022 The induction program was chaired by The induction program was chaired by our Regional Director Dr. Kanan Sharma. She has a brilliant academic career. Gold Medalist, University position holder, National Merit Scholarship holder, she did her M.A., M.Phil., PhD. from Delhi University. Our Coordinator Dr. Alok Kumar “Bhuwan”, Assistant Coordinator Mrs. Neeru Tandon and Counselor’s Mrs. Parveen Bano, Ms. Rubi Kumari, Ms. Indira Alok, Mr. Prabhat Kumar, Mr. Sharmil Dubey; from Regional Center RCDELHI2 Assistant Regional Director Dr. Ataur Rehman and from IGNOU Head Office Programme Coordinator’s  Dr. V.Kannappa Setty and Dr. K. Linga Swamy and Director from school of social work Dr. Prof. Rose Nembiakkim impart the information regarding the assignment, Term end examination, Identity Card, counseling session, re-registration and schedule of the new programme BSWOL. We as a learner support center always help our students in our counseling session. 

Orientation Meeting of Counselors for BSWOL Online Programme:

Dr. Ataur-Rahman Assistant Regional Director of RCDELHI2 chaired the Orientation meeting on 24th July 2022. Dr. V. Kannappa Setty Oriented the Counselors about the LMS portal for BSWOL online programme. Dr. Alok Kumar “Bhuwan”, Assistant Coordinator Mrs. Neeru `Tandon, our Counselor’s Mrs. Parveen Bano, Ms. Rubi Kumari, Mr. Prabhat Kumar, Mr. Sharmil Dubey, Ms. Maheshwari Chaudhary and from IGNOU Head Office Programme Coordinator’s  Dr. V.Kannappa Setty and Dr. K. Linga Swamy and Director from school of social work Dr. Prof. Rose Nembiakkim also joined this Orientation meeting.

  Success out of Difficulties 

Manovikas IGNOU special study center conducting Exam of July 2021 session. We have done exams successfully for mainstream learners as well as PWD learners too. We do have the facility of lift and wheelchair. VEDIO 

Experience Shared by Niyati Arora (MSWC) 

I am Niyati Arora, Learner of IGNOU, pursuing Masters in Social Work (Counseling) of 2020 batch. I contacted Dr Alok Bhuwan regarding the IGNOU process. I am glad for choosing Manovikas Ignou Special Study Center as my Study center. The counselor supervisor and the whole team of manovikas was very helpful and supportive in our first year of practicum in the pandemic COVID-19. In this situation IGNOU redesigned some new strategies like online sessions for the practicum process. The counselor helped us a lot.Special thanks to all the counselors and the whole faculty of Manovikas.