Artificial Intelligence

AI in education can provide students with personalized learning experiences, immediate feedback, and expanded learning opportunities. It can lead to improved learning outcomes, individualized support, and increased accessibility. 

However, considerations regarding human interaction, privacy, biases, technological limitations, and implementation challenges are essential to ensure the responsible and effective use of AI in education.

How AI Could Save (Not Destroy) Education

Sal Khan

The Future of Education in the world of A.I.


so easy to use


Generate interactive lessons with CuriPod

Say hello to Khanmigo, Khan Academy’s AI-powered guide. Tutor for learners. Assistant for teachers. 


Join over a million teachers saving hours of time using MagicSchool to help lesson plan, differentiate, write assessments, write IEPs, communicate clearly, and more. And now use MagicSchool for Students to bring responsible AI experiences to students and build AI literacy for the next generation.

Artificial Intelligence Detectors

Claude is a next-generation AI assistant based on Anthropic’s research into training helpful, honest, and harmless AI systems. Accessible through chat interface and API in our developer console, Claude can perform a wide variety of conversational and text-processing tasks while maintaining high reliability and predictability.

Claude can help with use cases including summarization, search, creative and collaborative writing, Q&A, coding, and more. Early customers report that Claude is much less likely to produce harmful outputs, easier to converse with, and more steerable - so you can get your desired output with less effort. Claude can also take direction on personality, tone, and behavior.

The leading AI platform for teachers