You were made on purpose,

for a purpose

Welcome to

Growth Track!

Growth Track is a 3-part small group experience focused on becoming the person God has created you to be. We explore this in the context of Manna Church and the Multiply movement.

What to Expect

from a Session

Read and Watch

Each session in the Growth Track experience comes with a short video (typically around 25 minutes long) and digital chapter. Read and watch the content on your own before each session.

Connect with Others

The Growth Track experience is part content, part connecting. Many have discovered that God speaks both to them and through them as they connect with others in conversation.

Growth Track is a safe space, no matter where you may find yourself in your spiritual journey. You're welcome to share your thoughts or to simply listen in.

Discuss Key Ideas

The Growth Track experience is a facilitated conversation focused on key ideas. Each week in Growth Track, we're trying to be impacted by certain ideas, and we're asking ourselves, "What do these key ideas mean for me in my own journey of discovering and becoming who God has called me to be?"

Learn More

What's Growth Track?

Growth Track is a 3-part small group experience focused on becoming the person God created you to be. We explore this in the context of Manna Church and the Multiply movement.

Growth Track can be completed end-to-end in 16 weeks (which is the best way to experience it!), but you can also break it up, doing one small group at a time as your schedule permits.

  • FirstStep (4 weeks long): Our 3 Values and 9 Healthy Habits. These are the foundation for how we follow Jesus and how we disciple others.

  • NextStep (4 weeks long): All believers, not just "professional Christians," are called to advance the Kingdom of God. This truth is central to who we are.

  • LeaderStep (8 weeks long): We're committed to leadership development, to our 12 Operational Principles, and to doing life in relationship. "Leaders" are everyday believers who use their lives to serve God and others.

Why does it matter?

You might not have known it, but if you're reading this, then you're connected to a worldwide church-planting movement. Manna Church has a vision to plant a church at every major US military installation around the world. And one thing every single Manna Church around the world shares in common is...Growth Track.

Growth Track matters to us for many reasons:

  • It's a small group experience, offering a space for people to connect with others around our core mission, vision, and values.

  • It's a discovery experience, helping people discover and explore who God is calling them to be and how their lives connect to the purposes of God in the world.

  • It's a training experience, a way for all Manna small group leaders to commit to common principles and practices.

  • It's a missional experience, reminding us who we are and why we are.

  • It's a unifying experience, uniting all expressions of Manna Church around the world.

Banner Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash