postsecondary OPPORTUNITIES

College is any type of education after high school! College includes apprenticeships, certificates, or degrees from trade schools, community colleges, private colleges or public colleges/universities!

Today most jobs require education or training after high school. When you pick a career path, be sure to research what education or training you need to successfully land a job!

To find out which postsecondary path is right for your career goals,

Certificate Programs

The curriculum of a college certificate program is typically very specific to the field of study. Certificate programs are different from an Associate's degree because there are no general education requirements. This allows you to effectively learn a skill in a relatively short amount of time (usually about one year). Certificate programs can be found at community colleges or trade schools.

Examples of Certificates: Automotive, Carpentry, Corrections Mechatronics, and Welding

Apprenticeships & Trades

Apprenticeships are another way pathway to postsecondary education. Most apprentices learn a trade such as carpentry, plumbing, or electrical work. Apprentices work with a mentor to learn skills on the job and may be required to take a class in the evening. Apprentices get paid while on the job and there is typically no cost to any additional classes.

Apprenticeships can be competitive! Employers who hire apprentices look for students who are eager to learn and have an outstanding work ethic!

2 and 4 Year Degrees

Associate's degrees (2 years) build on the curriculum of a certificate with additional general education requirements. These programs are often still specific and career related. Associate's degrees can be earned at community colleges and some four year universities.

Bachelor's degrees ( 4 years) again build further upon the two year degree, adding more specific program related courses and general education requirements. Bachelor's may be quite specific or general. Bachelor's degrees can be earned at both private and public universities.

Keep in mind, a four year degree may provide you with more career opportunities compared to a two year degree. A good example of this is nursing. You may have more career opportunities as a nurse if you have a Bachelor's degree than a nurse with an Associate's degree.

It's important to talk to people who work in the field you are interested in (family, friends, acquaintances) and career service departments at your college to determine what degree suits your goals!

Click here for more information on how to choose a college!


Joining the military can lead to a successful career! Veterans receive many educational benefits when their service ends. Check out the resources below and get in contact with a recruiter if you are interested in the military!

Get in contact with a recruiter

Benjamin E. Levinthal

US Navy Talent Scout

O: 231.946.1977 | C: 231.215.8841

sgt. Simon E Gommesen

Marine Recruiter

O: 231.843.3576 | C: 231.638.0110

sgt. Tyler Heurta

Air Force Recruiter


sgt. Beca R. Hoig

Army Recruiter


sgt. Mitchell Raupp

Coast Guard Recruiter
