
On this page you will see the maths problems and tasks that we have each week and some of the resources we use in our class. We use lots of maths eyes images to help us think about all of the examples of maths that we can see all around us. We focus on thinking about what we notice and what we wonder about (related to mathematics). 

In our school, everyone is a "maths person" because first you need to be a person, and second you need to do maths. We foster a supportive, encouraging and challenging environment with our maths learning at Mangonui School. We have a growth mindset with mathematics and rather than saying things like "I can't do maths," I'm not good at mathematics," or "I don't know anything about this," we use some of the phrases below. 

I know,,,      I notice...     I think we could...      My strategy is....        What do you think...      I agree because...

I'm not sure...         We could try...          Can you show me another way...        Can you explain that again... 

Koru T2 Maths problems 2024

collaborative Problem solving 

In the images below, you will see our tamariki working in groups on a problem. In this problem, children needed to figure out which pattern blocks might be missing from this image. Tauira had to find as many solutions as they could. 

Warm ups / using our Maths eyes 

In Koru class we use images like the ones in the slides below to practice using our maths eyes. Sometimes when we look at the image, we are trying to notice examples of mathematics and share some wonderings / questions too. Sometimes we are comparing two pictures and noticing what is the same or what is different. We also look at some grids and have to identify which one doesn't belong with the different images. We might notice things like numbers, colours, sizes, shapes or patterns. 

Koru T2 Maths warm ups 2024

Number rhymes 

We use these number rhymes to help us remember how to write our numbers from 0 to 20. 

Number Rhyme Slides

Love Maths website 

This site has a range of maths games that you can create and play at home with just a few simple resources. Check them out and have fun playing some awesome maths games. 

Number BLOCKS videos

Number Blocks is available on Youtube and Netflix. These videos are a fantastic resource for exploring numbers, relationships, patterns and other mathematical concepts. 

Showing numbers in different ways 

Count 0 -100 and one hundred to one trillion.



Count to 100 

Skip counting in 5s