Manchester Township PTA
every child. one voice
About the Manchester PTA
The Manchester PTA is the Manchester Parent, Teacher Association. We are a not for profit organization of Parents, Teachers, Adult Children, Caregivers, Seniors, Business Owners and more.
We are the adults who live and work in Manchester, that want a positive educational experience for the children of Manchester.
We are one PTA that serves all the schools in Manchester from the elementary to high school level.
We strive to make the education of our children more effective, cognitive and fun. The PTA partners the high quality education that the students receive with reinforcing programs that help to enhance the learning experience.
The Manchester PTA also provides the children with opportunities to put their learned skills to work in some unexpectedly fun ways.
Becoming a PTA member has never been more fun!
2024-2025 Executive Board
President: Christina Lassik
Treasurer: Christine Villalta
Recording/Corresponding Secretary: Caron Watson Bruzaitis
VP High School: Vacant
VP Middle School: Katie Jessup
VP MTES: Rosevelyn Medvigy
VP Ridgeway School: Vacant
VP Whiting School: Laurie Greisch
VP Regional Day School: Stephanie Shea
Bylaws & Procedures: Sarita Dodd
System Administrator: Jeffrey Dodd
Website & Publicity: Theresa Marcinczyk
for more information on open positions.