The Malden Public Schools Celebrates Arab American Heritage Month

In acknowledgement and celebration of our Arab American community in Malden, the Malden Public Schools presents this site with resources for our educators, families, and students. Please make use of these resources to develop your own deeper understanding of Arab and Muslim culture in our society, as well as the very real and painful struggle many of our Arab American neighbors have faced as anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim bias, racism, and hatred continues to grow, hurting our Arab and Muslim neighbors, both in Malden and throughout our country. Below please find statements on the importance of Arab American Heritage Month presented by prominent Arab American Members of Congress, Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Rep. Donna Shalala.

"National Arab American Heritage Month (NAAHM) is a time for celebrating the history, contributions, and culture of the diverse population of Arab Americans. In 2019, Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) issued a congressional resolution for NAAHM to be recognized on a national scale.

“It is my hope as a strong and proud Arab American in Congress that our nation can uplift our contributions in the United States by supporting Arab American Heritage Month,” Tlaib, a first-generation American, said about the resolution. “Our history here in the U.S. is rooted in our love for freedom and equality, as well as access to opportunities to help our neighbors thrive, and we see this every day in Michigan. From the agriculture sector to medicine and beyond, we have been at the forefront in building our country without losing our rich culture.”

Rep. Donna Shalala (D-FL), who is of Lebanese descent, told the House that NAAHM is extremely meaningful for 'recogniz[ing] the contributions of the 3.7 million members of my community in the United States. In medicine, law, business, technology, civic engagement, government, and culture, Arab Americans have been, and continue to be, an invaluable part of the mosaic of American life.'"

Excerpt from:

About Arab American Heritage Month, from the University of Michigan, Dearborn Center for Arab American Studies:

"Arab Heritage Month is a month-long celebration that draws attention to the histories, achievements, and cultures of Arabs, Arab-Americans, and people who trace their lineage back to Southwest Asia and North African regions.

The theme for Arab Heritage Month 2021 is Mosaic, an art form that originated in the region, and is also a perfect metaphor for this community - we are composed of thousands of individual beautiful pieces, each unique in their own way while creating a greater whole. We aim to reframe the narrative surrounding Arabs and Arab Americans and focus on the richness and diversity of this shared culture. This community is not a melting pot, rather we are a beautiful piece of artwork, a mosaic.

Arab Heritage Month 2021 will feature a series of events dedicated to uplifting this community’s shared heritage. This year’s heritage month committee is also focused on bringing forth a diverse set of voices to highlight the countless experiences that Arabs face on campus and in and around the world."