This is the home page for the libraries of the Malden K-8 Public Schools:

Beebe, Ferryway. Forestdale, Linden STEAM Academy, and Salemwood.

Our mission is to promote a live long love of reading for our students, to empower them with the tools to critically examine and evaluate information,  and to encourage them to explore our increasingly diverse world with an open and inquisitive mind.

Welcome to the

Malden K-8 Libraries

The students and faculty of each of the five K-8 schools in Malden -- Beebe, Ferryway, Forestale, Linden STEAM Academy and Salemwood -- have the opportunity to enjoy their own library.

Each library brings together a diverse collection of books available for borrowing without cost on a wide selection of topics and reading levels: picture books, early and emergent readers, series books, realistic fiction as well as fantasy, science fiction and mysteries, classic literature and poetry, graphic story telling, biographies, non-fiction works on subjects from science, to customs and folklore, the paranormal and arts and recreation.

Interesting statistic :  each library has between 10,000 and 12,500 separate titles.

Most popular circulating titles for each library, 2023




Linden STEAM Academy: 
