Drawstring Bag

I am growing lavender in my garden for two main reasons. First, mosquitoes do not like the smell so they tend to stay away, but bees like it and are pollenating my plants. Second, I dry the lavender and use the buds to make homemade lavendar-chamomille soaps and potpourri. I like to make drawstring bags to store the soaps or to make sachets (containing the potpourri) that can be placed in lingerie drawers. The pictures below are not intended to show step-by-step instructions, but they do show how easy it is to make these bags. The pattern and directions I followed for making my bag were created by Jeni Baker. They can be found on her Web site at https://incolororder.bigcartel.com/product/lined-drawstring-bag-pdf-pattern

However, at the end of this page you will find several other resources that will help you make drawstring bags. I also included the recipe I use for making lavender potpourri.

The "tiny" bag calls for two 4.5" x 5.5" exterior pieces (flowered); two 2" x 5.5" exterior accent pieces (striped); and two 6" x 5.5" interior pieces (gray polka dotted).

Sew right sides together: interior, accent, exterior, exterior, accent, interior (see the picture on the right)

The six pieces shown together

The far left and right pieces will make the inside liner, the striped pieces are rim pieces, and the two flowered pieces are the outside pieces of the bag.

Fold the strip together, right sides together and sew all around the edges, 1/4" seam allowance- but leave a 1-inch gap as shown on the accent pieces that will be needed later for the drawstrings to go through. Also leave a 2-inch gap on one side so later you can turn the bag inside out.

To create a flat bottom (gusset), flatten the corners to form 45 degree angles with a depth measurement of 1.5" and sew the corners of the bottom of the bag straight across.

Reach inside and grab the exterior fabric (flowered) and pull through the opening to turn the bag inside out.

Sew the opening closed.

Sew along the edge (1/4" seam allowance) and then 3/4" further into the bag to make a path for the drawstring to go.

Cut two nine inch 3/8" wide ribbon for the ties.

Using a safety pin to help pull the ribbon through, insert the ribbon into one of the side openings, pulling the safety pin all around the inside of the bag.

Pull the safety pin out through the same hole it went in. Repeat the process by pulling the second ribbon through the hole on the other side of the bag.

Tie a knot in the end of each ribbon piece. Pull the ribbons to close the bag.


Whitney Sews lined drawstring bag: https://youtu.be/EgPULPfXzvg

Sannari's Easy Lined Drawstring Bag: https://youtu.be/b1MraTko52Y

How to Make Lavender Potpourri

Mix together 1/4 cup dried lavender buds with 1/2 cup uncooked rice and about 10 drops of lavender essential oil