Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this course designed for?

The course is designed for:
teachers, administrators, library staff and anyone with an interest in fabrication and how a makerspace can be incorporated into a learning setting
- those who already have a makerspace who would like to improve its utilization
- teachers who want to include more making into their teaching without a formal makerspace

This 2-day class will help you discover the how's and why's of education-based making, along with skill and understanding of the machines and tools commonly found in a makerspace.

Note: MakeHaven is a space for adults 18 years old and over. This is not a course for students under 18 years old.

Do I need to be actively working as a teacher or school administrator to take this class?

No, you do not. This class is built with professional educators in mind, but if you have an interest outside of that, we still welcome you to join.

Do I need to be a member of MakeHaven to sign up?

No, a membership is not required. There are many benefits to membership, however, and we encourage you to find out more about membership.

How much does the class cost?

The cost of the class is $250 per person. Group-specific dates are available, please contact for more information. Also, let us know if you intend to send a large group of educators from the same school system so we can customize the program to fit your specific needs.

What if I can't afford this class?

MakeHaven is committed to not allowing financial barriers to prevent participation in its programs. We have limited funding to provide scholarships to those who require financial assistance. We encourage you to apply regardless of your ability to pay, you will have an opportunity to request a scholarship in the application.

Is this in person or online. What happens if COVID gets worse or if I am uncomfortable meeting with the class?

We are designing the class with safety at the forefront of our minds. The nature of using tools to fabricate means that a hands-on format is vital. This class is scheduled to run in the summer, a time of year where the transmission rates have been at their lowest. Additionally, MakeHaven currently requires that anyone on site be fully vaccinated. We are steadily monitoring the situation and numbers in New Haven county and will adapt the class as needed.

How many people will be participating?

We need at least six committed participants to run the program and are capping at fifteen.

What if I have no previous experience with fabrication?

No previous experience is required but it helps to have a little familiarity with tools. Please reach out to Corey directly if you have specific concerns or questions:

Why take this class when all this information is available on the internet?

This class will take you through a coherent path of building and utilizing a makerspace, guided by an expert in the field.

Is lunch provided?

Lunch is not included in the class. However, New Haven has an endless number of great places to eat all within walking distance of the space.

How does parking work?

The best parking option is the parking garage at 270 State St. Park New Haven donates 1/2 price parking stickers for use at this garage. WIth this, parking is $1/hour. More information on parking/travel options.