About Us
LOCATION: 770 Chapel St, New Haven, CT 06510
MISSION: Equip people with tools to design, invent, and create
VISION: The New Haven area is enriched by creativity and entrepreneurship.
MakeHaven, Inc. is a not-for-profit, membership-driven organization, gathering place workshop for makers, creators, tinkerers and dreamers. The environment supports the development of and collaboration on a wide variety of projects, including: prototyping, fabrication, mechanics, electronics, crafts, art, and woodworking. Through free public events, skill building workshops and the independent projects of our membership, MakeHaven enables people to make things.
Activities Include:
Free public events and meetups which expose people to new and emerging technologies.
Classes and workshops where people build skills in art and technology.
Membership grants 24/7 access to a wood shop, metal shop, laser cutters, sewing machines, radio, printmaking, brewing, electronics workbenches, 2d cutting, CNC, mill and 3d printers.
Training and project mentorship for members through a volunteer coaching program.
Advice, events and capabilities to assist aspiring entrepreneurs in fabricating and marketing prototypes.
Partnership with the VA hospital so veterans can include cooperative woodworking projects as a therapeutic activity.
Membership is $50/month, $35/month for students, cancel anytime. Scholarships are available for reduced membership to those with limited incomes.
Through talks, classes, workshops, collaborative projects, and other activities, we want to encourage research, knowledge exchange, learning, and mentoring in a safe, clean space. We provide educational spaces for teaching practical skills and theory of technology, science, and art. We provide work space, storage, and other resources for projects related to art, science, and technology that will benefit the individual members' personal growth in their fields of interest, encouraging the individual members to share their projects and knowledge for the betterment of society through art, science and technology. We create, learn, and teach, individually and as a group, inviting members of the community in the greater New Haven area and the world. We develop, support the development of, and provide resources for the development of free and open source software and hardware for the benefit of society. We promote collaboration across disciplines for the benefit of cultural, charitable, and scientific causes.
Our location is in the arts district of downtown New Haven CT, roughly 10,000 square feet, contains: an electronics shop, wood shop, metal shop, crafting and sewing area, 3d printing area, laser cutters, radio area, plastics and casting area, bike repair setup and kitchen. All members are welcome to use our many resources. We encourage all members to help others with their projects, and to come to the facility to learn, teach, share and create.
//All information shown on this page is borrowed from https://www.makehaven.org/about-us with love; there is more information there if you want it.