
Corey Rice

Lead Instructor

Corey's Pecha Kucha introduction to MakeHaven Community

Corey is a teacher, learner and maker. Presently, he is teaching Chemistry at Daniel Hand High School in Madison, CT. Corey has over a decade of experience teaching science in high school classrooms. As an extension of this interest in science, he taught himself electronics, and then to program with Arduino. When the school where he taught installed a Fab Lab, Corey learned how to use the machines through experimentation. Then was in the second American Picademy in San Mateo, California. He was one of a tiny number of active teachers to ever attempt and graduate from Fab Academy, the intensive course from the Fab Foundation. He used these skills to push students to design their own musical instruments, circuit boards, furniture and much more in his Engineering courses, Science Olympiad and First Robotics club.

With an educator’s perspective in the Fab Lab world, Corey Has presented at the Fab13 Conference in Santiago, Chile; the FAB xLive conference, Fab Play, and many state and regional education and technology conferences. He has run professional development for teachers learning how to use digital fabrication tools and technology in general. Corey is also writing a learning management system to guide students of all ages through learning Fab Lab skills, with specific instructional guidance based on their experience and locally available resources.

Ashley Zdeb

Education Coordinator

Ashley has many years of expertise in connecting people with experiences, and does a great job of ensuring that everything runs smoothly from program creation to post-event review. They also oversee the broader educational goals of MakeHaven, arranging classes and coordinating efforts to maximize member empowerment.

J.R. Logan

Executive Director

J.R. is a cofounder and executive director of MakeHaven, a nonprofit makerspace and FabLab in New Haven, Connecticut. J.R. has a history of nonprofit leadership at United Way, in New Haven he currently serves on the board of the Eli Whitney Museum and Elm City Innovation Collaborative. He has been involved in local environmental initiatives and is an advocate for urban river restoration and access. He has earned a master's degree in Public Affairs from the School and Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University with a focus on nonprofit management.