Program Resources

The Art of Mass Gatherings at LEAF Festival

View or download slides, links, and resources from today's program, organized in order of the program schedule!

Do you have photos or videos you took at the event as part of our participatory documentation project?

The Recipe for Resilient Gatherings

The Art of Mass Gatherings is an experiential learning event that uses festivals as classrooms to activate an arts-focused approach to community resilience and emergency preparedness. It invites artists, event producers, and emergency professionals to come together to share knowledge and practices for enhancing the safety, accessibility, and sustainability of large gatherings. By bringing together a variety of professionals involved in producing mass gatherings, event producers and emergency responders alike will become more fluent in each other’s craft. The idea is that arts and events workers can be some of a community's most powerful first responders in times of disaster or emergency when suitably prepared, in ways that strengthen both their individual economic/professional resilience (enabling skill transfer and pivots across sectors during times of emergency) and the bottom-up resilience of the community itself to confront crisis.

In our experience, there are four key elements that, when integrated, lead to successful mass gatherings and expert event preparedness. These comprise the core framework of the Art of Mass Gatherings, and they are: Safety, Sustainability, Community Engagement, and Accessibility.


Overdose Prevention & Response

Remember your goal: keep the patient breathing consistently. An important and sometimes overlooked preparedness factor that Chris mentioned is having resources in place to calm the person down after naloxone has been administered. They are often agitated and angry.

Where can I get naloxone?

It depends on where you live, but your county health website is a great place to start. The nonprofit This Must Be the Place will send you a nasal naloxone kit by mail within the US for only the cost of shipping.

For festivals, you might also engage non-profits that distribute kits, testing, or provide training, for example:

Flag Communications

Shared by Leigh Maher, LEAF Global Arts

LEAF Festival Flag Advisory Protocol.pdf

Missing Persons Procedures

Shared by Leigh Maher, LEAF Global Arts

LEAF Festival Missing Person Procedures.pdf

Lost Child Prevention Form

Shared by Leigh Maher, LEAF Global Arts

Written reminders and guides

Safety and camping etiquette intersect in the mini-guides that Dancin' Dave's leaves in the tents they set up for attendees.

Are there ways you could include mini-guides to other kinds of safety and navigational information during your events? See "Community Engagement" for another important dimension of this idea!


Created by the Center for Participatory Change (CPC). CPC believes movements for liberation must bring people together across multiple languages. The Language Justice Circle focuses on developing the capacity of interpreters, translators and language justice workers to create multilingual movement spaces, build analysis, and develop and deepen relationships.

Community Engagement

Writing a code of conduct is an excellent practice for safety and inclusion. View the "Community Expectations" that Micah shared from the Outdoors for All festival.

Asset Mapping


A Joyfull Curation: A dialogue for designing intentionally delightful experiences

Based on her consulting work and leadership of TEDxGreensboro, go on a journey with Jasmine Beard through the questions that guide her experience curation process, including how they map to the Four Pillars of the Art of Mass Gatherings.

ACRA Mapping Presentation Export.pdf

Arts & Cultural Resilience Asset Mapping

Asset mapping doesn't even have to take the form of a geographic map, but in our case that's one of the concrete outcomes we're producing together!

"Asset mapping mobilizes the ability of people to achieve outcomes they've decided are important"

- Jenny Filipetti

General Majestic Collaborations Resources

Designing Inclusive Virtual Events Ebook.pdf

Designing Inclusive Virtual Events

The Designing Inclusive Virtual Events ebook provides a high-level view of considerations for designing and hosting inclusive virtual events, start to finish, including links to resources for creating inclusive communications materials, captioning or translating events, and more Created by Majestic Collaborations in partnership with the Folk Alliance International as part of the Changing the Tune project to build resilience in the folk community.

Festival accessibility program checklist

Developed by Laura Grunfeld of Everyone's Invited, first presented at the Art of Mass Gatherings in Northern Virginia

Everyone's Invited Accessibility Checklist.pdf

Tips for designing a multilingual in-person event

By Viviana Marsano, Ph.D, first presented at the Art of Mass Gatherings in Santa Barbara

Creating a Multilingual In-Person Event - Tips from Viviana Marsano, PhD

Language justice tips for virtual events

Created by Catalina Nieto and presented by Viviana Marsano, Ph.D, at the Art of Mass Gatherings in Santa Barbara

FINAL-LJ Tips for Virtual Events (1).pdf

Made possible thanks to our speakers, event hosts, and these partners