Rural resilienceĀ 

Rural resilience research

I am very interested in what enables smaller, more rural communities to become more sustainable and resilient to challenges. While the concept of resilience has been debated and described in many ways, for our purposes, we consider resilience to be the ability of a municipality to withstand, respond to, and recover from adverse events...which could include challenges such as climate change, PFAS, COVID-19, economic shocks, among others. Most research explores larger city responses, with much less exploration of smaller communities, such as exist in Maine and much of New England.

Some of my current research explores the responses of Maine municipalities to COVID-19, as an indication of their capacities to carry out functions such as communicate digitally, apply for grants, and maintain community connections.

Initial papers are posted below.

Levesque et al 2024 The role of municipal digital services in advancing rural resilience.pdf
Levesque et al 2021 Municipal capacity to respond to covid19 - implications for improving community resilience in maine.pdf
Levesque_2017_Planning for Sustainability in Small Municipalities_Journal of Planning Education and Research.pdf