climate adaptation
& sustainability 

Municipal climate adaptation research

Impacts of a changing climate such as increased flooding to infrastructure and natural habitats, and increased high heat events are determined not only by the climate events themselves, but also by societal decisions about land use, hazard mitigation, and infrastructure design, among other decisions. In the U.S., most land use decisions are made by local governments, and, thus, climate change adaptation is increasingly framed as an issue for local municipalities to address.  I am particularly interested in how adaptation decisions are being made by communities other than the major metropolitan centers. As such, my research has focused on climate adaptation in New England. 

My most recent effort in this realm was through participation in a NOAA funded project "A Northeast Safe and Thriving for ALL" (NEST), which explored the impacts of climate change migration in the Upper Northeast of the U.S.

Some papers from prior research are below.

Levesque et al 2021 Facilitating use of climate information for adaptation actions in small coastal communities.pdf
Wake et al 2020 Undercurrents - Exploring the human dynamics of adaptation to sea-level rise.pdf
NOAA NEST Final Report 10.2023.pdf