Strategic Plan 2019-2022

The University of Maine System US:IT group has developed the following strategic plan. This site is intended to disseminate the developing plan and solicit feedback from US:IT staff. Comments will be permitted on each of the Goal pages through December 21, 2018.

Strategic Goal Categories

The US:IT Strategic Plan is organized into the following Goal Categories. To review the Strategic Goals and Objectives defined for each category, please click through to each Category page.

US:IT Mission Statement

US:IT DESIGNS and SUPPORTS technology solutions through a team of knowledgeable, dedicated professionals. Working within a structure of shared governance and data-driven decisions, we support the MISSION of the University of Maine System and its campuses

US:IT Vision Statement

US:IT strives to be a TRUSTED partner by EMPOWERING our university communities with RELIABLE and INNOVATIVE solutions

US:IT Service Values

  • We value delivering a comprehensive suite of high quality SERVICES designed to meet and exceed customer expectations regardless of skill set or location
  • We value clear and effective COMMUNICATION with our customers to foster an informed community
  • We value COLLABORATION with stakeholders to ensure availability of reliable, high quality solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of our customers
  • We value EMPOWERING individuals with appropriate solutions determined through engagement and developing an understanding of each users’ expectations and experience level with technology
  • We value promoting a PROFESSIONAL technology service organization that aspires to provide reliable, valuable solutions that allow customers to achieve success