Submit Your Work

The Fall Issue has been published! Visit the Published Issues tab and click on 'Fall 2023 Issue' to see the new magazine. We hope you enjoy and have an amazing break! Keep an eye out for the opening of submissions for Spring '24!

What Kind of Creative Work Can I Submit? 

Send us your original poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, visual art (photography, painting, drawing, images of installations and sculptures, etc.), and anything that is a hybrid of those categories (e.g., prose poetry and graphic stories). You can send us creative work that you produced for a class assignment or you can send work that you did on your own time.

Please do not send us AI-generated writing or art. While you may use AI tools as part of your creative process, we want to see original final work—that is, creative writing and visual art produced by you.

How Much Creative Work Can I Submit?

Poetry: Up to 5 poems or up to 10 pages of poetry. Submit poems of any length—we’re interested in both long and short poems.

Fiction and Creative Nonfiction: Up to 2 stories or essays. Stories and essays should be no more than 20 pages double-spaced.

Flash Fiction and Flash Nonfiction (Pieces less than 500 words): Up to five flash pieces or up to 10 pages double-spaced of flash fiction/nonfiction.

Visual Art: 3-5 images: Images may be of different works of art or show multiple angles of a single work (e.g., an installation or sculpture). You may take these images with your phone; if we accept your images for publication, we will follow up with you about resubmitting your images in a higher resolution and a different file format, if necessary, in order to best showcase your work in the publication.

During the submission period for each issue, you may submit work in multiple categories, but only submit once for each category. That is, you can submit 4 poems and a short story in one submission period, but you cannot make two submissions of 4 poems.

Please provide titles for all submitted pieces.

How Should I Submit My Work? 

Use the Google form below to submit your writing in Word doc (.docx) or Google doc format. Submit visual art as a PNG, JPEG, or PDF file (your preference). You must be signed into your UMA email account to submit your work. If you are not, you will be prompted to do so when you click on the link to the Google form.

Important: Do not put your name anywhere on your document or in the file name. We consider all submissions blind (not knowing the name of the author); our Google form will collect your name and email address for us.

Submissions for Specter Moose Are Open!

Depending on your web browser, you may fill out the submission form below or access it via this link: 

Please submit one Google form per category, with a limit of one submission per category during the submission period. You must be signed into your UMA ( email address to use this form.