What's a literary and art magazine?

A literary and art magazine features creative writing and visual art. Specter Moose will feature poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as any art in a visual medium, from graphic stories to photographs of sculptures and installations. People read literary and art magazines for entertainment, for insight into what the people in their community are creating, and, sometimes, for inspiration for their own creative work. Literary and art magazines also give writers and artists an opportunity for recognition. Long live the arts!

Who can submit work to Specter Moose?

All current UMA students are invited to submit their work to Specter Moose. It doesn’t matter if you’re part-time or full-time, non-degree or a double-major, affiliated with the Augusta campus, affiliated with a UMA center, or 100% online. It also doesn’t matter if the creative work you submit is something you generated in a class or did on your own time. If you’re a current UMA student, submit your work!

What happens to my work after I submit it to Specter Moose?

After the Specter Moose submission period closes, members of the editorial board will commence to read and look at every single writing and art submission we have received. We'll look at these submissions blind; that means we will evaluate submissions based on the quality of the work, not based on who made the work, because authors' names will be withheld from all pieces while they are being considered. We'll pick our favorites—the writing and art that thrills us, hooks us, leaves us breathless, makes us feel good about the world—and decide on our favorites with our peers on the editorial board as we build our issue. All authors can expect to hear from us about the status of their work within eight weeks of submitting to Specter Moose

Is Specter Moose looking for a certain style of writing or art?

Short answer: No! Send us your best work! Slightly longer answer: We're a group of students who respect and appreciate each other's differences—and together, we hope to create a publication that does the same while showcasing UMA's student writers and artists. Specter Moose is not a venue for writing or art that promotes discrimination or division. The best writing and art brings people together and helps us find beauty and sense in the world. 

How can I join the 

Specter Moose editorial board?

Interested in joining the Specter Moose editorial board and working on the magazine? You can get involved by emailing Professor Noel Tague at noel.tague@maine.edu. You can also email us at umaspectermoose@maine.edu, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Where can I find Specter Moose?

Each issue will be printed and available within the last week of the fall/spring semesters. Printed copies can be found in the libraries on the Bangor and Augusta Campuses and in common areas around campus. Stay tuned to this website for the digital copies to be posted!