
We know that financing approved university courses that will lead to professional certification can be challenging. The MTR is dedicated to providing knowledge and access to resources to help ease such a financial burden.

Cost Comparison

Wondering how the MTR might be able to help you finance your education? This table provides an overview of the cost associated with tuition and fees, as well as resources that can help counter balance costs. These include loans, scholarships, and federal grants. Click the links below to learn more about applying or qualifying for these programs.

Stack of books. Photo by Kimberly Farmer from UnSpalsh

MDOE Releases Teacher Shortage Areas for 2023-2024

"The U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) annually designates teacher shortage areas for the purposes of deferment of loan repayments or reductions of teaching obligation." Click this link to learn about the designated teacher shortage areas in Maine.