
Teacher stands in front of chalk board and points to an equation

Mentor Teachers

Mentor university based student teaching interns for a full year as

they transition from student teaching to long-term substitutes, ed

techs, or other teaching positions during the school year.

Be part of a statewide online network of mentor teachers with

monthly meetings facilitated by UM faculty leading to

microcredentials and electronic badging!

Mentor Expectations

  For the 2023-2024 school year, mentoring workshops will be one (1) evening a month with Monday and Wednesday evening options available. (Mentors will pick one day or the other for the year.) 

Meetings will be held synchronously from 5-6:30 online to accompany a microcredential issued by the University of Maine System on Mentoring the Next Generation of Teachers. 

Specific dates are to be determined.

Curious what mentoring looked like for the 2022-2023 school year? Check out our previous mentor modules here.