
Man and child sit at a table together talking


Connect with the Maine Teacher Residency! We offer statewide regional supports through the seven University of Maine System campuses!

We can offer:

Current Residency Models

Curious how other districts are implementing similar models?

Biddeford Schools currently runs a residency program that you can learn about here.

RSU34, serving Alton, Bradley, and Old Town, is home to the "Educator Accelerator" program for which more information can be found here. 

Teachers stands in front of students sitting at desks: Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Creating Teacher Residency Programs: Webinar

A pre-recorded webinar that provides an introduction to the Maine Teacher Residency, a grant funded project to support administrators and school districts to create paid year long residency positions in their schools.

To view the webinar in a separate browser window/tab, please click HERE.

Looking for Substitutes or Ed Techs?

University Students Can Be Great Ed Techs and Substitutes!

Work with your local university Career Services Center to post a job position for ed tech and substitute teachers. If you're willing to hire a student for a promised day each week for the semester around their course schedule they can forgo taking on a retail job and work in your schools. They may even be able to be ed techs if you can flex the job around their course schedule for the semester!

USM's Office of Educator Preparation is collaborating with our USM Career Center to help you connect with undergraduate students who may be interested in full- or part-time Ed Tech I, II or III positions in your schools. If you would like to be included in our outreach, please use THIS FORM to provide us with information about your openings. Be sure to highlight any tuition benefits that your district may offer!  On our end, we will use broad email outreach and in-class announcements to connect students to the USM Job Board where they can find our summary list of area openings. Each listing will direct students to your district website for application forms and next steps

See an example job posting by clicking HERE.