Stakeholders and Policy Experts


Stakeholders & Policy Experts 

Protocol Title: Strengthening the Community Health Worker Workforce to Impact Systemic Health Inequalities 

Protocol ID: 21-07-1717 

Principal Investigator(s): Valerie Rubinsky, Ph.D. (PI), Assistant Professor, University of Maine at Augusta; Katherine Darling, Ph.D. (PI), Assistant Professor, University of Maine at Augusta, Erika Ziller, Ph.D. (PI), Jennifer Crittenden, Ph.D. (PI), Assistant Professor, University of Maine 

Project Summary: 

You are being asked to participate in an interview research study about challenges, resources, and opportunities for implementing Community Health Worker models and supporting CHW workforce development in Maine. 

Please read this form in its entirety to understand your rights as a research participant and the purpose of this research study. Your participation is entirely voluntary. You may choose not to participate or to withdraw at any time with no penalty. 

Why is this study being done? 

The purpose of this study is to understand and identify the challenges and opportunities for building a Community Health Worker workforce in Maine. The research will: 

Uncover the experiences and professional development needs of CHWs; 

Identify barriers to and opportunities for the sustainable implementation of the CHW model; and 

Build the CHW workforce through professional development and implementation recommendations. 

Who will be in this study? 

To participate in this study, participants will meet the following conditions: 

You are at least 18 years old 

You have at least six months of professional experience relevant to the development and implementation of CHW models in a variety of contexts within North America. 

What will I be asked to do? 

If you choose to participate, you will be involved in a virtual interview via Zoom or telephone. The interview will include a semi-structured conversation about your experiences working in healthcare in Maine, including challenges you have experienced. The interview will last approximately 45-60 minutes, and will be audio and/or video-recorded with your permission. 

What are the possible risks of participating in this study? 

The risks to participating in this research project are no greater than those experienced in your daily personal or professional life. The primary risk associated with the study is loss of privacy which could impact participants’ professional reputation. 

There are no anticipated costs for research participants. Please note that your participation is completely voluntary. You do not have to participate, and may skip a question or leave the study at any point. 

What are the possible benefits of participating in this study? 

There are no direct economic benefits to participating. However, sharing your experience and expertise may help improve strategies for sustainably implementing the CHW model and developing the CHW workforce. 

How will my privacy be protected? 

The audio recordings will be stored on a password protected drive shared only with study personnel. Upon transcription of the recorded interview, the recording will be deleted. Your name will be replaced with a pseudonym in the edited transcript and your name, institutional affiliation and geographic location will not appear in the study results (e.g. conferences presentations, research articles or policy reports). Please note that sponsors, funding agencies, regulatory agencies, and the Institutional Review Board may review the research records. 

What are my rights as a research participant? 

Your participation is voluntary. If you choose not to participate, it will not affect your current or future relations with the University or community partners. 

You may skip or refuse to answer any question for any reason. 

You are free to withdraw from this research study at any time, for any reason. If you choose to withdraw from the research there will be no penalty to you and you will not lose any benefits that you are otherwise entitled to receive. 

How will my time be compensated? 

You will receive a thank you email from the study team and updates on the study findings.

Whom may I contact with questions? 

The researchers conducting this study are Drs. Darling, Rubinsky, Crittenden and Ziller. For questions or more information concerning this research you may contact Doctor Katherine Darling at 207-262-7982 or 

If you have any questions or concerns about your rights as a research subject, you may call the USM Office of Research Integrity and Outreach at (207) 780-4517 and/or email 

Will I receive a copy of this consent information? 

You received this consent information sheet by e-mail and may print and retain a copy of this form for your records. 

Verbal Consent Script 

Do you have any questions about the study? 

Do you agree to participate in the research as just described? 

Do you agree for your interview to be audio and video recorded? 

Phone: Do you agree for your interview to be audio recorded? 

Zoom: The Zoom program automatically records both audio and video. Do you agree for your interview to be audio and video recorded, with the understanding that we will delete the video recording immediately after your interview? You can turn your camera off at any time if you prefer not to be video recorded.