AIM 14

Lethal Means Training

This aim focuses on studying current methods of means restriction for at-risk individuals and seeks to provide necessary, evidence-based training to ensure a mental health professional is able to appropriately restrict access to potentially lethal means.

Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM)

A two-hour online, Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)-recommended training designed to enhance a mental health professional's ability to reduce an at-risk client's access to lethal means, including firearms, medications, and toxic chemicals, as a part of a comprehensive strategy to ensure safety

LINC to Life Safety Planning (LSP) Training

A two and a half hour workshop designed to teach mental health professionals and those interacting with suicidal clients how to collaboratively develop a safety plan using a comprehensive tool (My Wellness Toolbox & Crisis Action Plan). This tool focuses on strategies to identify warning signs of suicide, to reduce stressors and triggers, and to enhance social support, coping, strengths, and reasons for living. Additionally, this tool helps to keep the environment safe through collaborative lethal means restriction and crisis planning.