Yu-Tien Chang, Ph.D.  張語恬



Tel:+886-2-87923100 ext. 18454

Personal Profile: 

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Associate Professor

School of Public Health, National Defense Medical Center

國防醫學院公共衛生學系(所) 副教授

Research interest:  Application of bioinformatic and mechine learning methods to analyze integrated genomic and health related data in cancer and public health research. 

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Dr. Yu-Tien Chang  is an Associate Professor in School of Public Health, National Defense Medical Center (NDMC). She earned her PhD. degree in Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences of NDMC in 2017 and served as a visiting research fellow in Harvard Medical School Affiliated Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute For Aging Research in 2024. Her research interests are using AI and bioinformatic methods to explore the biomarkers of cancers and the risk factors related to diseases. She has conducted extensive studies in breast, colorectal, kidney, and bladder cancer, and aging. Additionally, Dr. Chang is interested in leveraging AI technologies such as ChatGPT (large language learning model), image identification, and LLM for health promotion and medical research. Examples of her work include developing a Line bot for health diet and weight loss and predicting pain levels using smart wearable devices. Dr. Chang welcomes international collaborations and invites interested parties to get in touch.

Research Interests

Professional Experiences


Honors and Awards

2022 National Defense Medical Center Academic Research Award

2021 Taiwan National Innovation Award 

2019 Taiwan Breast Cancer Foundation Excellent Paper Award

2018 National Defense Medical Center Special Achievement and Contribution Award

2018 Taiwan First Presidential Hackathon Award

2017 Ministry of Health and Welfare Central Health Insurance Administration My Health Bank Hackathon Award 

2016 Health IoT Hackathon Best Innovation Award

Professional Service

Editorial Boards: Guest Associate Editor, Frontiers in Pharmacology; Guest Editor, Pharmacoepidemiology

Journal Reviewer: Canadian Medical Association Journal (IF=16)、JMIR Public Health and Surveillance (IF:8.5)、Scientific data(IF=8)、Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation (IF=7.186)、Frontiers in Public Health (IF:6.461)、Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal (IF:6) 、Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation (IF:?)、Aging(IF:5.2)、JMIR mHealth and uHealth (IF=4.948)、BMC Genomics (IF=4.5)、BMC Cancer (IF=4.4)、Journal of Cancer (IF=4.478)、Scientific Reports (IF=4.6)、JMIR Medical Education(IF=3.6)、Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse (IF:1.45)、Journal of Medical Sciences